MOB!Sans x Spy!Reader

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It was a relatively large crowd tonight, but what really caught my eye was the skeleton that was posted in the back at the bar. Sans, the Sans! There's nothing for him at a small bar like this, unless he's here on business; guess it's business time for me too. "Grillbz I'm going on break!" Grillby just nodded in response to my holler across the bar. None of the regulars acknowledged me and that's only because I do this every night. Sans, on the other hand, got a good little look at me while I passed in behind the bar and into my break room to take a smoke. Tonight I had on my shimmery green dress that made my (e/c) eyes pop in the low lighting, but what really turned heads was my (h/c) hair. Before I walk into the back I look at Sans and wink and disappear behind the corner. Maybe I'm a tease! So what? Sans is actually a real cutie, but my boss wouldn't be too happy to hear I'm 'boning' his enemy. Lighting my cigarette I stand by the window looking into the quiet streets. "Quite the view huh?" Smiling slightly to myself I turn around and lean into the wall behind me. "Yea I'd say so." Blowing out some smoke into the air I look up at the skeleton who was a tad bit taller than me. Taking a few more puffs I put it out and go to sit in my chair, but as soon as I put the smoke out Sans pins me to the wall. Wrists up in the air and my body vulnerable to anything he wants. "Didn't take you for the dangerous kind. Now, what would a handsome monster like you want with me?" Heat radiated from Sans's left eye socket, it glowed a bright blue just like the stories I've heard from people who've seen him fight. Honestly, I'm a tad bit frightened at his hostility towards me. Turning my head to the side I felt a cold sweat drip down my forehead. "Very funny (Y/n), you think I didn't know you were a spy? Why else would you play dumb and try to lure me back here with you? Don't tell me you use this body of yours to get people to tell you things. Who knows how many humans and monsters have already toyed with ya." My face makes a scowl as I'm now pissed off at Sans's comments. Kicking him where the sun doesn't shine I get him to release my wrists and it gave me time to escape from this interrogation. Walking back out into the bar I see Grillby look at me and I send him a glare before heading out of the bar and into the dark city. Wiping my eyes I try to get rid of the tears that came, but they just kept streaming. "Damn skeleton, saying such hurtful rumours." As I was about to turn onto a different street Sans came out of literally nowhere and lifted me in his blue magic. "What's with the crying sunshine? I should be the one crying since you did just kick me in one hell of a bad place." Sans's voice was laced with anger, it sounded almost...Murderous. Closing his hand into a fist it felt like the air inside the tiny like bubble he kept me in was slowly slipping out leaving only my exhaling breath. I grasp at my neck trying to breathe but nothing helps.

"S-sans! Ans! Plea-"

I begged him to stop, but he waited until I was just about to pass out before releasing me. Sans caught me when I fell out of the aura and looked at me with a tinge of guilt. "Breathe sunshine, breathe." Slowly he tried to calm me into regulated breaths, but my eyes felt so heavy and so did my body. Slowly I slipped into unconsciousness forgetting about my surroundings and current situation.

To be continued....

A/n: Part 2 coming soon... List me some of your favourite Aus with a little description. Thanks for reading! Love you all so much <3 <3 <3 

Jae AWAY>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>.  

Au Sans x Reader OneshotsTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang