Cheater!G x Reader

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Walking through the long corridors of the office building you made your way to G’s office. Taking your time you held a gift bag that contained a new yellow tie and dancing shoes. Before you went away on a business trip a few months ago you and G used to go out dancing every friday night, but as of lately he’s been at work later and later. Today you thought you’d catch him before he left and surprise him since he thought you were returning home tomorrow. Quietly pushing open the large brass doors to his office you open it to reveal no one. Confused you walk further into the office and look around for you skele-boy.  “G? Are you in here my love?” You call into the large office. Once you looked around the office thoroughly you conclude he went home. Glancing one more time before leaving a bright pink sticky note catches your eye with the words saying:

“Grillby’s at 8, Al’s at 9, home at 9:30. If anyone needs to contact me do it tomorrow morning.”

Checking your watch you see it’s now 10 o’clock. Swearing under your breath you speed out of his office in your black heels trying to make sure he doesn’t fall asleep before you get there. Everyday that you were away he video called you from 9 to 10 so you could talk about your day and ask him about his. Today you told him you had an important event so you couldn’t talk, he was very understanding.

Finally reaching your house you drive up the street with your lights off trying to be as discreet as possible. Parking beside his motorcycle you make sure to get out of  your car very quietly. Walking around the side of the house you get inside through the sliding glass door  in order to avoid the gingling of your keys since you both always left the slide door unlock. Stepping in you slide the door closed again behind you.  Sliding off your heels you smile a bit as you quickly but quietly run up the carpeted staircase. Walking down the hallway to the master bedroom you hear laughter and light conversation. Assuming he’s watching a movie you proceed into the room and are greeted by a topless woman’s back a top of G’s half covered and seemingly naked body. Silently you stand there unsure of what to think. “G?” Everything felt like it was going in slow motion. The girl quickly rolls off G while he shoots up in the bed looking very confused. “Sweetheart? I thought you were gone until tomorrow?” Shaking your head you place down his gift and head into your shared closet. “I wanted to surprise you, but I see it was a mistake.” Grabbing your spare duffle bag you pack as much of your stuff as you can and zip it up, slinging it harshly over your shoulder. “Where are you going dollface?” Walking out of the closet you look at him with such distrust and disgust that he visibly winced. “Anywhere that you're not.” You spat angrily. Walking out of the house you get into your car and drive out of your neighborhood.

“I knew a guy like him was too good to be true.”

A/n: I don't have much to say, but if you guys want a continuation of this oneshot just comment and let me know. Anyways, love you all soo much <3 <3 <3

JAE AWAY >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

Au Sans x Reader OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now