Chapter 24 - Menace

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Kirill received both videos as he was patiently waiting for the right time and was still stuck in France.

He was having a harder time than Mia. He was alone, injured, without any of his previous power and the love of his life was risking her life to pay for his past mistakes.

Moreover, she was with someone who wanted her and this made Kirill categorically doubt every single decision he made leading up to this set-up.

He recognized right away that the second video was a fake as he knew what every inch of Mia looked like. He noticed the girl had slightly larger breasts and her movements were all not Mia but he loved listening to Mia's voice. He thought it was quality work.

But the first video, the first one really bothered him. He guessed correctly that it was her first time doing this for Danila and saw how uncomfortable she was sitting on his lap. He also watched Danila closely and saw how much he enjoyed it.

He worked out almost endlessly as he tried to keep calm until he saw her again. He wanted everything to happen quickly but recognized that only about six weeks had gone by since he last saw her.

It felt like a century; time moved so slowly. And he was beginning to get worried about this plan.

Who proposed it?

He remembered that it was Danila. Did he really do all this just to get Mia beside him? It seemed like a brilliant plan. Only he had knowledge of what apparently happened between Oleg and Artyom - how convenient, Kirill thought.

Maybe Danila made it all up? Maybe he tricked them both and now he had Mia with him 24/7 while Kirill was isolated and alone, powerless to do anything. But Kirill trusted him and had no reason to think otherwise. Kirill fought with his suspicions but a seed had been planted in his mind.

The same day that Kirill wrestled with his dark thoughts, Danila rushed into the apartment agitated and startled Mia who was making herself a coffee. He looked at her knowing she wasn't about to take the news well.

"What? What is it?" She asked worried that he had bad news about Kirill.

"Oleg really liked the video. He said he enjoyed it but remarked that he couldn't see your face." He said as Mia's insides began to tremble." He wants to see it again. Live." Danila finished and watched her eyes widen in shock. As much as he wanted Mia in bed, he had no intention to do it in front of Oleg.

"Wha-at?" Mia slightly laughed. "Is he crazy? Fine, I'm just someone to use but you, why would he ask you do this?!" Mia couldn't believe this news and Danila nodded.

"He gave me a choice. He said either I can...fuck you or if I didn't want to do it in front of him, someone else can. He just wants to watch you."

Mia breathed out as she felt her body shake. This was not part of the plan and while Oleg did mention something about watching them two do it, Mia thought the video would more than suffice.

"He also said..." and Danila hesitated as he felt this news would shock her more. "He wants to watch you...touch yourself. In front of him. In his home. Alone."

Mia sat down and held onto the table as she began to feel nauseous. They were already in this and they couldn't back down now but this is not what she could allow herself to do. In front of Kirill, sure, she would do whatever he wanted but to do anything for Oleg, was out of the question.

Danila watched as she sat there and tried to breathe through the stress and he suddenly felt so sorry for her. Here she was, a girl who had a regular job and friends but was now part of some sick plan to eliminate a government official as she partnered with two criminals.

No More Good Girl | 18+Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora