Chapter 39 - Kirill's POV

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I couldn't sleep. I couldn't eat. I couldn't take a deep breath.

I missed her terribly. I felt the pain in my heart, every second of every day, and my chest was ripping open from being without her.

How was she? Was she safe? Did anyone touch her? Would we be able to see this all through? My mind was racing with a thousand questions every hour.

And then I saw the video of Artyom hitting her and almost raping her. My Mia! My wife! I've never felt such rage in my entire life, I swam for the entire day, from the morning until the sun started to set, just to stop myself from destroying the house I was living in.

That was the day I decided I would come back. No matter the risks. I would get her out, I would stop this insanity and come what may.

Getting over the border wasn't hard, our borders are huge, you can't control them all. Being home again felt so natural. Everything was mine, every broken road, every snowflake, every single happy and sad moment that happened here.

I felt like I could breathe again, speak Russian, walk the earth where my people spilled their blood. I realized I missed home so much. I laid on the frozen ground and thanked God that he let me step foot on The Motherland again.

And she was here, my Mia, I would take her, I would keep her, I would love her, I would save her.

But then I came to the club. A few hundred dollar bills paid to the doorman and looking at my angry face, he either recognized me or didn't want to argue and let me in.

And then there was Mia...shaking her ass and her tits like she was born to do this. I was floored, I couldn't think straight. I felt like my eyes were burning with acid. I couldn't look away but what I was seeing was ripping my soul out of me.

This wasn't my Mia. What had she become?

A whore.

I sat and watched, as if inflicting self torture, how my wife, my good girl Mia, collected bills in the string of her thong and she smiled! She smiled at the men who degraded her like this! Seeing it live completely shattered me.

I knew the girls come out after their set to chat with the crowd so I waited. And waited...and waited...but I knew that she was with him.

He was the root of all my problems. I was going to kill him. He corrupted her, he dragged her through the dirt, he abused her and he let others do the same.

His office door was locked. Of course. He had her trapped in there, he was fucking her right now.

And then I saw her, again, for the first time in what felt like a decade again.

Her beautiful face looked at me with such pain and sorrow that I almost fell on my knees and broke down into tears.

She was absolutely shocked to see me, clearly not expecting me. She looked like an angel but a smidgen of guilt appeared in her eyes. I saw it. She cannot hide from me. And that's when I knew, I knew that she betrayed me.

She said my name but instead of it filling me up with joy as it had done every other time, it felt like a claw running down my body and ripping my flesh. I held myself back from killing them both in this minute.

She began accusing me, of course, attack is the best defense. That solidified my suspicions. I was so blinded by my jealousy that I had forgotten the reason for the whole plan.

The next days were torture for me and it couldn't compare to any other time when I was actually abused and left for dead. It happened a few times but one was the most memorable: almost naked, in a garage in the middle of winter, I was tied by my wrists and left to stand there for probably days. I don't know.

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