The signals tyler should have been looking for.

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Prompt: idk how to explain it so just understand it's fluff and if u like fluff u shall like it. Also animal slaughter.

Also kinda has like an Alpha dynamic thing but not really.

Enid had never felt more threatened by a stupid male. It just wasn't fair. Why was Wednesday hanging out with him and his stupid man bun. Why were they always whispering under their breath together? Why did it seem like he knew things Enid didn't. Most importantly, why was she getting so territorial over her roommate?

"Because you are whipped," Yoko laughed as Enid finished explaining her problems. "For goodness sake Enid, can you honestly not tell?"

"I am not whipped for Wednesday Addams, Yoko!" Enid rolled her eyes. How could she even think that, Wednesday was her roommate, and she was definitely straight...Wednesday at least. Enid couldn't help but feel butterflies any time she even thought about the girl.

" just explained to me in detail how absolutely gorgeous she was."

"As friends!"

"Half of this conversation was about her eyes, and how he looked at them like you wanted to."

Okay, this was the reason she didn't tell Yoko anything. "Yea to keep her safe from him!"

Yoko sighed, rubbing her hand over her face. "Listen, you believe what you want, but everyone can see it, you are fouling no one but yourself. Just go get your damn girl."

That was possibly the most odd way Enid had ever seen Yoko leave a room, but with the sudden silence of the empty dorm, Enid found herself with her face buried in the pillow.

She lay there like that until the mildly suffocating fabric got to her and she had to turn her head to the side, though even than, her arm covered her eyes. The chances of Wednesday returning the feelings were little to none, and how would she even figure out if she did. Unless...

Enid sat up, grabbing her computer off the side table. She had heard references to this before, especially since she was a werewolf. Courting gifts.


It turned out that you could take about four different routs for courting, all of them veering through levels of difficult. Of course, the hardest option would be three gifts, all made fully by hand. You make a craving? Well you also cut down the tree, some even went as far as growing a tree.

The second option was classified as less difficult, though Enid knew that was likely incorrect. You had to kill an animal of sort, offering its meat and bones, preferably carved into weapons, as the gift. As much as Enid hated it, she knew that the other two options (something you bought or something you half handmade) were not nearly as good. This was Wednesday Addams we were talking about.

Shutting down her computer, Enid lay down again. All she needed now was Wednesday's favourite type of meat.



Enid wanted to claw her eyes out. Of course it had to be the cutest animal known to mankind, what else would she expect from Wednesday.

"Why do you ask," Wednesday didn't look up from her typewriter, though Enid was fairly surprised she wasn't getting ignored fully at the moment.

"Um, I donno, we never really talk so I was just starting a conversation..."

Wednesday turned around now, a small scowl on her face. "I spend an appropriate of 10% of my day in conversation with you Enid."

"Hey, you can never talk to much!"

You fell first, I fell harder //Wenclair one-shots//Where stories live. Discover now