Chapter 5

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It has been three days since Maria passed away and the Pack members are saddened to hear their princess was gone. 

Maria was buried at memorial grave it is located in the pack. This is where they bury the former alphas, elders of the pack, betas, gammas and everyone who had a high ranking position. 

Maria was buried next to her parents that's what she wanted and Alexandra was happy he did as she asked. 

*Flash Back*

Alexandra was in his office going through his files when a knock came to the door. 

Knock! Knock! 

"Come in" Alexandra said and looked at the door. 

The door was pushed open and a figure walked in. She was short, light in complexion had black long hair, big blue eyes, small lips and a perfect nose. She was wearing a baby doll PJ'S which was pink in color and that was enough to make her look perfect. 

It was a 15 year old girl Maria who was Alexandra's sister. 

"Alexandra" Maria called out to him, she walked to where he was and sat on his laps. Alexandra closed his file and looked at the little girl who was sitting on his laps while looking at him "hey princess what brings you here? Ain't you supposed to be in bed by now? "

"I failed to sleep"

"Why? "

"It's like no one loves me" Maria said and put her head down Alexandra lifted Maria's chin so she could look up at him fully " But I do"

" No you don't Alexandra you distanced yourself from me ever since dad and mom passed away you don't look at me, you don't come to see me, you always shouting at me giving me a cold shoulder and you don't even bother to take care of me you leave me all alone in the house yes I know you are cold hearted and hate almost everything including your own sister "

"Princess you know that is not true I really love you so much that you don't know it's just that- "

"Mom and dad left you a lot of work as the alpha and you have been too busy to look after  your own blood sister and you keep saying you are protecting me from what exactly? Alexandra if this is how you will act then sorry I don't need your protection " Maria said before Alexandra could finish his sentence. 

She stood up and walked towards the door and looked at Alexandra " You know what Alexandra I hate you and I wish I could die just to stay away from a heartless brother like you" Maria said and walked away. 

Maria reached the hallway and went back to her brother's office she banged the door open as she looked at her brother with murderous eyes. " And before I forget when I die please don't bury me anywhere else bury me at memorial grave next to my parents I would appreciate it" 

"It would be an honor to fulfill my little sister's wish" Alexandra said and smirked at her on the other hand Maria was boiling with rage how could Alexandra say such a thing as Maria let her  tears out. 

"Cmon Maria don't make me look like the bad guy here you said that yourself so why are you crying to your own words? " 

"You're a monster Alexandra" Maria wiped her tears away and walked out. 

*Back to the present*

Alexandra pushed the door open to his room and sat on his bed he removed jacket and tie and two figures walked in it was Bupe and beta Jake. 

"Was that it for the day" Alexandra asked his beta as they approached him. 

"Yes alpha"

"How is it going with the preparation? "

"We are still on  that but I don't think you will be here when it's time".

" And why is that " Alexandra asked confused as he looked at Jake who was looking at Bupe. 

Bupe sighed and spoke " You need to go to Miami Florida at the company you have a meeting with Mariana mazyopa but we can cancel it if you want to "

"No it's fine I will go"

" A it's fine don't force things they will understand if they know you lost your sister"

"I said I will go" 

"Alexandra think about the people and the pack, how will they see you? You just lost your sister and you are willing to leave the pack just like that and go to the human city"

"I don't care what they think about me this is about my company"

"Okay that's it" Bupe said and walked to where Alexandra was before he could react bupe hit him. Jake was fast to come between Bupe and Alexandra who were ready to finish it right there and then. 

Alexandra put his hand on his cheek that was hurt by Bupe's punch. Alexandra looked at Bupe with rage in his eyes " Bupe how dare you hit me? Are you forgetting am your alpha? "

"Alpha my shit Alexandra you are not my alpha maybe you have forgotten should I remind you that am human and not part of your pack I might be your best friend but I will not put up with this stupidity I have had enough of you Alexandra Blake. At least show some respect to your young sister who was just buried a few minutes ago you might be heartless and a beast with no emotions but for once have some dignity I feel pity for Maria for having such a monster for a brother and you know what Alexandra I think Maria is happy wherever she is because she had to leave this.... " Bupe pointed at Alexandra with so much disgust "Alexandra Blake I don't know how  I can describe you but you are a dick, I thank God for taking Maria away from you it serves you right ".

Alexandra could not take it anymore he had enough of Bupe saying foolish things he pushed Jake who was standing between him and Bupe. 

Alexandra reached to Bupe and pinned him down and punched him to his face " Cmon Bupe you are only good at talking but not fighting, huh? "

"Alexandra even if you punch me a thousand times it still won't change the fact that am much better than you yes you're good when it comes to fighting I can't defeat you but  do you know what I beat you in Alexandra I brought my family together we are united, we are always there for each other and willing to do anything just to be together unlike you who is good at solving other people's conflicts and willing to be there for them but failed to bring his family together. Alexandra Blake you failed as a son, a brother, a friend and a leader to your people you're a failure Alexandra always remember that "

Alexandra lost his mind as he kept hitting Bupe until his shirt was covered in blood. 

Jake rushed to where Bupe and Alexandra was as he saw Alexandra was not willing to stop hitting him. Jake pushed Alexandra away from Bupe " Alpha are you okay, do you want to kill your best friend? "

" Shut up Jake am your alpha and you are my beta " Alexandra stood up and pointed at Jake " This should be the last time you push me " Alexandra said and walked out. 

Jake walked to Bupe and lifted him up " I wonder why you keep fighting with Alexandra "

"I was just saying the truth"

"Now look what he did to you so is this how your friendship ends"

Bupe chuckled to what Jake said " No he is upset right now let him cool off he will be in his right mind after that and he will come looking for me just wait and see"

Jake just shook his head and lifted Bupe up "well if you say so but for now let's get you cleaned up".


* edited*

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