Chapter 20

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 Mariana was excited as she walked back to the car with Jack and Alex behind she kind of felt bad when she didn't meet mwizukanji but there is always another day. 

Mariana stopped in her tracks when she spotted a child who was trying to peep inside the car but that only made Mariana chuckle he was trying so hard but he could not, but how could he, all the car windows were tinted. 

Mariana walked to the young boy and knelt down so she was the same height as him. She touched the boy's shoulders making him startled and scared when he looked up at her. 

" Hey young man"

" Hi"

'" What are you doing "

" Nothing I was just checking out the car it's beautiful "

" But you were trying to peep inside the car does that also count   as checking it out? " Mariana frowned and looked up at Jack. 

" Don't give me that look Mariana, what if he was trying to steal or do who knows what "

" Cmon Jack he is just a child "

" Just because he is a child does not mean he can't do something stupid, what if he was sent by someone? " Alex said with a bit of annoyance. 

" I agree with Alex on that one "  Jack suddenly said leaving Mariana surprised and shocked. Did Jack really agree with Alex? Absolutely yes but-

" Guys don't be like that he is young and he doesn't look like a thief "  He surely didn't look like a thief instead he looked rich he was a bit light in complexion, short dark curly hair. He wore a black t -shirt black jeans and white sneakers with a watch. He looked like he was ten or eleven years old. 

" Who are you with? "

" My mom she told me to stand here " 

" Okay let's wait for your mother "

Mariana kept chatting with the young boy. Everyone turned around when they heard a voice behind them  it was a woman they all thought he was  the mother to the boy and confirmed it when he ran to her. 

The woman looked up at Mariana and smiled " Sorry for leaving my child here went to buy some stuff in one of the shops "

"It's fine ma'am me and my friends were happy to look after him he is surely a nice child"

The woman looked at Alex and Jack who stared at her with daggers in there eyes. The woman's smile faded and she stared at them with fear in her eyes. The woman got the boy making him stand besides her protectively " Ma'am thank you again for taking care of my child but am sorry I need to go"

" Wait I still don't know your name"

"Am John and you? "


" I think that is it we need to go" The woman said this time her voice cracking and fear written all over her face turning on her heels as she walked away without looking back. 

Jack and Alex gave each other knowing looks  and was about to run after the woman when Mariana stopped them " Where the hell are you two going don't  tell me you still think the boy is a thief "

" I knew something was definitely wrong " Alex muttered to himself but Jack and Mariana surely heard him. 

" What is wrong Alex? "

"Nothing boss".

" Mariana you should be careful when you meet strangers not all of them have good intentions " Jack said this time with so much concern 

"  Even the young boy ?".

" Yes"

" But he is cute "

"What if he is a monster"

" But he is not cmon guys should I stay away from every child who I cross path with? "

"If it is necessary"

"Jack don't be like that ' imiti iyikula empanga' don't forget that"

"What does that mean? " Alex asked with curiosity. 

" Well it means ' the children of today are the leaders of tomorrow' that is why we should learn to appreciate the children and treat them like leaders they are. But how will I do it if you want me to stay away from every blessed child I meet ? "

"What ever Mariana we need to go back it's getting late"


Thank you for reading

* edited *

Werewolves truly exist ( Editing)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora