Chapter 36

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Mariana's POV

My mind was a mess and I could feel myself losing it. What was I seeing Alexandra's brother was non other than Jack. My damn fucking best friend was my mates brother.

" Mariana-"

" When were you going to tell tell me? " I cut Jack off.

" The moment I heard you got here M, I wanted to tell you everything that was going on but I could not find the strength "

" So you thought hiding it would be the best solution Jack- sorry Alec Blake "

" Baby-"

" Don't baby me Alexandra Blake, you knew that my best friend was your brother and you didn't tell me, why? "

" Because I didn't want to lose you "

" What do you mean by that and Jack whatever you are I thought you were my best friend but you hid everything from me and didn't bother telling me you had a brother "

" Mariana-" I cut Bupe off as I turned around and looked at him

" Please Bupe do not interfere not now am also upset with you." I sighed " Bupe you also knew Jack was Alexandra's brother no wonder you acted like that when you saw us well excluding me because your eyes was on Jack and you " I said turning to Alexandra and Jack " You two always acted as though you didn't know each other it was just insane to see my best friend who is my PA always fighting with my manager and it always made me wonder why you two had a grage against each other because you barely knew one another but I was wrong. You both knew exactly what you were doing, how did you feel about that? Huh? "

" And how did you feel making out with my brother in front of me? Tell me? " Alexandra was now close to me squeezing my arms " Tell me Mariana you are the one to always blame everyone and try to prove them wrong while you forget about your on mistakes " Alexandra was now breathing heavily as his eyes darkened with anger. " Are you sure you only made out and didn't fuck each other? So tell me how many times did you fuck my little brother without feeling any guilt sleeping around with your personal assistant Mariana mazyopa " Before I could register what was happening and what Alexandra said Jack punched Alexandra .

My eyes were filled with tears as I fell down on the ground as I let more tears fall down my cheeks. I could hear Bupe mumble something that I could not get. He walked passed me and stood between the two brothers who were willing to blow each other's heads right there and then.

How could Alexandra say such a thing about me what made him think I have been sleeping with his brother. Even if Jack wasn't Alexandra brother I would never think of sleeping with him. It was great making out with him and I loved everything that he did to me but sleeping with Jack was out of the question.

"Alexandra how could you think like that, who the hell do you think you are? You have no right to say things you don't know and which didn't even happen" I could hear Jack say.

" Trying to hide the fact that you were sleeping with my mate all this time won't change a thing because its already out, how did you feel putting your dick inside here? Did you make her come? " That's it I could not stand hearing Alexandra say all those dirty things.

I stood up from where I was as I pushed Bupe away and stepping in slapping Alexandra twice across the face. " I have heard enough of you speaking complete rubbish but if you want the truth then fine you're right trying to hide everything won't change a thing yes I slept with him are you happy now? '"

" Mariana what are you saying, you know it's not the truth nothing like that happened" Jack said

" Every minute I spent with Jack was amazing, he made me experience things I have not in bed which you failed Alexandra Blake as a mate and a man to satisfy his woman so yes I loved it I enjoyed it " I said as more tears came out regretting everything I just said.

Alexandra stepped away from me tears dropping from his eyes " Why ? " Alexandra asked still stepping bact till his back hit the wall behind him

" Because you failed as a man, you failed to love me. Haven't you realized ever since we came here, you didn't show me any love or care everyday I craved for your attention and touch but you were too busy to even notice that at all, till now you have never made any effort to show me all sorts of things a man could do in a relationship" Before anyone could say another word the door was pushed open and a panting Jake was in view getting everyones attention to himself.

" Alpha The pack is under attack " Jake said no one moved for a second as they all looked at one another Alexandra wiping his tears with his hands.

Was Edward here? He finally attacked. He has come back to get his sweet revenge. A loud noise was heard, and people shouting before anyone could think about anything a bomb was thrown on the balcony shattering all the glass doors when it exploded.

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