Chapter 34

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Mariana's POV 

Alexandra held my chin  making me look at him as my tears fell down. 

" Baby please tell me what's wrong?Why are you like this? Did someone do something? Or did Maureen say something bad about me again? "

I shook my head to what Alexandra said. No one did anything to me but definitely said something. 

I took in a deep breath and looked at Alexandra in the eyes " Why have you not marked me yet? " I asked after gaining my confidence. 

" What? " Alexandra looked taken aback as he looked at me with a confused grin 

" I asked why you haven't marked me yet in fact why have we not mated? Because you think am too weak for you and the pack that if I became the luna officially I would ruin you, is that it? " I said getting all angry in fact I was boiling with anger. 

" Have you been drinking? " Instead of answering my question Alexandra popped up a question of his own  I tried my best not to stand up and slap him across the face. 

" You're an ass hole " I said getting up from his lap and reaching for the door but I was stopped before I could even open it. 

" Baby am sorry  okay " Alexandra turned me around so I could face him " I'm still waiting for the right time to come, I thought all because of all the things happening and the Edward thing-"

" You can't tell me you are still with the Edward situation Alexandra Black it's been weeks since we came here and Edward still has not showed up  there is no sign of him are you using all these silly excuses for you not to mate with me if that's the case, why? " 

" How sure are you that Edward will not show up? "

" Whether Edward shows up or not Alexandra how does it concern the mating process and finally claiming me yours. Your stupid excuses don't add up at all you idiot. Just tell me if you don't want to be with me and we can call off all this actually why don't you just reject me as a mate and we can both move on with-"  I could not even complete my sentence Alexandra pushed me towards the door holding my neck in his hands he squeezed a little not at the point of hurting his beautiful icy blue eyes all replaced with darkness filled with anger. This was no longer the sweet Alexandra it was an angry Alexandra. 

" What did you say?" His voice so cold as  as ice all his words coming out with authority " You want me to reject the mate bond because I haven't fucked you yet Mariana mazyopa, is that it? " He said choking me to the point of me thinking I would die. 

" Alexandra you're choking me " I said through gritted teeth trying to pull his hand away from me. He squeezed with much force making me scream from the pain before letting me go. 

Putting my hands on my neck taking in deep breathes I could not come to terms with what was happening. Was this a bad dream or I was just exaggerating because I was too drink or what. 

Alexandra was pacing back and forth with his hands in his hair. Tears started to fall down my cheeks it's like I saw I different person. This was not the man I know he is not the Alexandra I know for Christ's sake. 

" Baby " Alexandra looked at me his blue eyes back to normal concern, fear, regret all written on his face. 

He tried to take a step towards me  but I stopped him pointing a finger at him " Don't, just stay where you are" I said not giving him a chance to say anything else I stormed out of his office and went to our room. 

Throwing myself on the bed and crying I didn't think it through that all this could happen. Was I at fault. Was I taking this bond seriously. Tired of crying I didn't even realize when I slept. 

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