Chapter 31

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Mariana's POV

I got dressed up and walked in the room and found a woman on my room just by looking at her she seemed to be in the same age group with me. She was tall, slim, dark hair, green eyes and was light in complexion. 

' was she lost? ' didn't seem like it but for what I know the third floor was only meant for the alpha and his family so why was she here in Alexandra's room which was also my room now. 

She bowed down a little when she noticed me " Luna " She said smiling at me. 

" You are? " I  said raising my eyebrows at her didn't have time for formalities when she was right in my room without my permission or  Alexandra's. 

" Am Maureen, the alpha told me to acompany you and take you were ever you wanted to go " 

" Oh I see, Maureen just give me a few seconds let me get my phone "  When I got all the things I needed we walked down the stairs with Maureen and found my mom, Jane and beta Jake eating at the dinning table. Beta Jake stood up immediately when get spotted me and bowed down " Luna" He said raising his head looking at me and I gave him a small nod. Why was every one being so formal  with this' Luna' title but for what Alexandra told me all the people will call me by the title because of the respect they all had for me. 

" Hey mom " I said giving my mom a kiss on the cheeks . 

" Morning my child "

" Morning Jane "

" Morning M" Jane said looking a little bit tired, was she up last night and that hit me I didn't see Jane last night when we came here she just went without a trace. 

" And where the hell did you go last night miss" I said pointing a finger at her. 

" Club " She said rubbing her forehead with so much force than needed. " So someone has a hangover, who did you go with? "

" Maureen"

" Oh so you two already met? "

" Yes, like hell Mariana you should have come with us last night it was bukie and there were a lot of male wolves, trust me M it was fabulous!! " Jane said excited like a little child. I only rolled my eyes at her and sighed. How in the damn hell was I supposed to know where she was when she didn't even tell anyone she left and to top it up she got drunk and now has a hangover stupid girl. 

" If you two are done chatting Mariana have some food " My mom motioned near to sit. 

" Thanks mom but I already ate my breakfast "  I looked at Jane who had her eyes closed it looks like the hangover was doing so much to her, well she got it upon herself. I told her a thousand times not to drink but she didn't listen to me. Jane started drinking when she turned eighteen because she thought she was all grown up and she could do what she wants. 

" Am going out, wanna come with? "

" Thanks but no I have a headache I will join later on" Jane said with her eyes still closed wish I could help with the hangover but I don't know how to never drank alcohol before, that's a fact. 

I gave my mom one last hug before heading out with Maureen besides me. 

" So where are we going to start from? " I asked Maureen who looked at me smiling. 

" We are going to Dreake " She said excitedly. 

" Where is that? " 

" It's just like a city on its own" She said " Luna-" She started but I cut her off 

" Why can't you just call me Mariana instead of Luna " 

" Well okay Mariana I was wondering when you will ask me " I was taken aback by the sudden confidence and how she started acting, I thought she was the shy and simple girl, well not anymore. 

It took us ten to fifteen minutes to reach our destination as we were walking. Maureen was right Dreake was a city by itself. There was a lot of buildings, shops, a lot of people going about doing there own things, children running around playing and some were in there wolf forms. It left me speechless this was totally amazing. Thank God I came with my camera now I could take some pictures and make memories. 

" This is completely amazing " I said still eyeing my surrounding it was more than amazing it was completely indescribable, how could anyone describe such great place. 

" We are only getting started, you haven't seen the rest " Maureen said and pulled me walking forward. We actually had a great time. We went shopping, went to do our nails, park and I could not believe they had two malls it was great.we tried a lot of things getting all tired we were now sitting outside a cafe eating ice cream. 

" So how did you two meet" Maureen asked and I was sure she meant me and Alexandra. 

" On a business trip in Miami " I said getting a spoonful of my ice cream. 

" I see" That was all she said and she fell silent that felt odd for a woman like Maureen to go silent just like that. 

" What's wrong? " I asked and she looked at me with confusion. 

" I didn't say anything was wrong "

" Your face says it all, spill it out " 

" You sure you want me to tell?  It's deep you know but because you are his mate I think he already told you everything " 

" Like what? " I asked getting impatient. 

" Alexandra has slept with most of the girls in the pack you know, well you can't blame him his a man after all he also has desires he can't control" Maureen's face was red with anger as she spoke again " He even slept with my sister, my beautiful sister was so happy when it happened and and she thought they would be together for a life time  without knowing it would never happen. When my sister found out he was only using her for his sexual needs she ended up  committing suicide, Alexandra is a monster he loves nothing but himself no wander his brother left him and his sister died"  Maureen said with so much bitterness. 

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