Chapter 29

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Alexandra's POV

Sitting outside the patio was always my favorite I thought I would come here after I left Mariana sleeping. Taking in the air I needed its like I stopped breathing and I was because I was no longer near Edward but it was be as peaceful as it is when Edward tries to attack my pack. 

My mind was moving in circles all I could do now was hope Bupe was alright he remained behind in Zambia I don't know what's so important remaining back there risking his own life than coming with us and being safe. 

" You killed his son so in return he killed your  parents but I guess it wasn't enough for him so he had to come again and strike this time he came for your sister " A voice spoke behind me leaving me in complete shock, I closed my eyes hoping it was all an illusion but they voice of the woman spoke again. 

" Whether you like it or not Alexandra Blake, Edward will surely come for you " I looked behind me it was Mariana's mother, how in the hell did she know all this. She walked towards me and sat beside me on the sofa. 

" Ma'am-"

" Alexandra you don't have much time Edward will ruin your life, destroy your pack and kill you " She cut me off saying all the words with bitterness it's like she didn't even want to say them but she had to she let out a deep breath and looked at me and I could not help but ask this.. 

" Ma'am how do you know all this I thought it-"

" Was all a secret, right? Then you are wrong it's not a secret Edward knows and before you know it others will also know, he has a clip of you killing  his first son"


* Flash back*

It was my thirteenth birthday and I thought of enjoying it in the human world although my mom through a party for me I didn't want to stay there and wanted to celebrate it with my best friend Bupe  because he was grounded and didn't make it to my party  but we didn't even make it halfway when my mother told the warriors I was with to take me back home immediately. I was so furious and wondered why my mom would want us to return in a short notice. 

I asked the one of the warriors I was with who was driving to let me try I had a lot of cars but I was not allowed to drive all of them all because I was thirteen years old but if anyone could look at me no one would know am thirteen but think  am sixteen. After a long time of arguing with him he let me drive although I knew totally nothing about driving but it wouldn't hurt to try. 

I started the car and I was driving perfectly with the warrior's instructions. We almost reached the boarders going into the pack when we heard gunshots out of fear I lost  control of the car and it hit someone. I got out of the car and it was a young boy he looked like he was the same age as me and also a wolf I believed he was part of our pack but what was he doing out here. 

I totally felt bad to see the lifeless body laying down in a pool of blood it wasn't the first time to see someone's dead body and it wouldn't have hurt me that much if it wasn't me who hit him. 

I turned around only to see all the warriors down a young boy was holding a gun in his hands as he shouted how he would kill me because I killed his best friend and how he thought I only did it because I would be the next alpha. 

I got upset and out of instinct I shifted in my wolf form my wolf was also angry and I lost control my wolf taking over. Normally werewolves would shift when they turn sixteen or eighteen and no one believed I turned when I was ten years old even my mother and father could not believe it and I thought it was because I have the alpha blood running through my body. 

How could this boy just say all those things after he killed my warriors? It's not like I intended to kill his so called best friend. The guy shot his gun and the bullet went straight to my leg I dididn't see it coming and the gun didn't make a sound when he shot that meant it was a silencer.   My wolf got more angry with one move I attacked the boy  separating his head from his body and all the blood was all over the place. 

I girl shouted from the other side with a phone in her hands and that only meant one thing she took a video of everything. The girl run away in the forest and I didn't have time to run after her I thought she wouldn't be any danger so I let it be like that. 

I dididn't want my parents to know anything about the incident and told the warriors at the boarder to handle the rest and they did exactly what I told them. Somehow I blamed my parents if they didn't tell us to come back nothing like that would have happened and I would be there with Bupe enjoying my birthday. 

When I turned fifteen the pack was under attack my parents and betas died during the attack a lot of pack members died making me the alpha of the pack at that time making me more bitter every second minute, hour and day. Bupe was there for me during all the hard times and everything I went through. 

I fought and killed everyone who tried to bring my pack down luckily I knew all the skills all because of my father's training  and I only found out that Edward was behind the attack and the boy was his son but how was it possible when Edward was human but it turned out the  woman was a member of my pack and the beta's sister  when the woman knew it was me who killed her son and Edward attacked her people in the process she lost her brother she went into depression and killed herself and I blamed it all on Edward she was his mate and she needed him at that time of pain she was in but he was not available. Then he killed my sister and the hatred towards Edward only grew stronger I can't wait for the day I will kill that man myself. 

And everything only made me think if I had killed that girl that night all this wouldn't have happened. 

Werewolves truly exist ( Editing)Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat