Chapter 43

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Mariana's POV

One month later

Today is an exciting day and I will not give it up for anyone. Today was mine and Alexandra's wedding and to top it up it was also my Luna ceremony. 

I was getting ready in my room. Jane, Maureen, the twins and other bridesmaids where with me in the room. I have always wanted my dream wedding and today I was going to have it.  Jane was my chief bride maid while Jack was Alexandra's best man although we all wanted Bupe to be his best man he refused and said Jack should be the best man and he will be the best man on Jack's wedding and we were all looking forward to it. 

The church service will start at 9am to my surprise there was a church here and I didn't know. I surely need more time exploring this place but lucky me we have one. All the bridesmaids were dressed in white dresses with slits. 

We were all done with the dressing and thanked Jane and Maureen for the makeup I really looked like  a queen.. I was in the car with Jane and Maureen besides me. I could not help but smile the entire way. The only thing I was thinking about is seeing Alexandra in his suit and saying our wedding vows. For the past few weeks I have been practicing how I will say my vows and now I mastered them in my head. 

We reached the church. Getting out of the car I stood outside the entrance of the church. I stood there as I waited for the bridesmaids to go in. And now this was the moment I missed my parents. My mom and dad would have walked me down the aisle each by my side but no it will never happen not in this life time or another and it's all because of Edward. He took that right away from me when he killed both my parents.

I forced myself not to cry and ruin my makeup because Jane and Maureen would surely kill me for ruining their good work and that was not a lie. 

" Shall we all  stand as the bride is here " The pastor said through the speakers. With that I took in a breath and started walking forward when  a thousand years by christina Perri started playing in slow motion. 

Walking in I could feel all eyes on me. People were clapping and cheering for me. The nervousness going away I smiled looking so confident my chin raised high  as I came to view with my husband to be. Yeah that's my man, mate and soon will be be my husband. All the bridemades and groomsmen lined up looking beautiful and handsome. 

Looking at my groom who was looking down at me with so much love, excitement, adoration, care and pride and I loved it. The way he smiled and looked at me it was a great feeling. 

As I reached where Alexandra was he stretched his hand towards me and I gladly put my hand in his. 

" You look beautiful " He whispered only for me to hear a smile not leaving his handsome face. 

" You look handsome " I smiled right back at him

With that the church service began. After giving us words of encouragement and wishing us well it was  time to say our vows. I could not help but feel excited getting chuckles from everyone. 

Alexandra wanted to say his vows first and I willingly let him. 

" In the name of God I Alexandra Blake take you Mariana mazyopa to be my wife, to have and hold from this day forward. I promise to never lose our spark and to always do the little things to make you happy. I will always love you no matter what. I promise to always make you laugh and laugh together. I vow that we will be a family forever. I could never get bored when am with you. I will love you for better for worse, for richer, for poorer. In sickness and in health, to love and to cherish, Until parted by death. "

With that he gave me a short kiss on my lips and I could not help but let out a tear that rolled down my cheek. I wiped it away and looked up at him. It was my time to say my vows. 

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