Chapter 32

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Mariana's POV

My mind was a mess already, as I started to tear up just like Maureen. How could Alexandra do all that I tried to believe what Maureen told me but everything was just not adding up. Why did she say it just like that? Did she have hidden agendas of bringing up the topic? I don't know. 

I was filled with rage, hatred, disappointmrnt and so much more my hands were clenched into fists my palms all sweaty I stood up and was about to fall when someone caught me and I was pulled into a hard chest. I didn't need to look to up to see who it was Alexandra's scent was so strong that I couldn't resist, it was tempting, sweet and addictive which made me smile a bit but got back to reality and the actual truth. 

I pushed him away from me and looked him in the eyes which were filled with questions. Alexandra looked at me with love, care, concern and confusion all over his face. 

Alexandra rushed to me and cupped my cheeks in his hands as he asked questions " Baby what's wrong? What happened to you? Did someone do anything to hurt you? Did someone say anything bad to you? Alexandra asked so many  questions his voice so cold just like ice which only made me cry and I could see his eyes we're now dark from anger. 

Alexandra walked passed me and went to Maureen he held her neck in his hand lifting her up and I knew he was choking her by the way he squeezed her neck and how she was pleading. 

" Why didn't you tell me something was wrong when I mind linked you? You told me everything was fine? Why didn't you tell me the truth? " Alexandra said his every word making me tense he was so upset I have never seen this side of him which made me scared and want to run away from him. 

" She had a yo know about your wicked ways and what kind of a monster you are Alexandra Blake " Maureen said through grentched teeth. 

I was tired of listening to all this nonsense it's like we drew attention because everyone was looking at us and all I wanted to do right now was run away from this here far away from Alexandra and Maureen which I did. 

I ran as fast as I could hitting the road going into the forest, did I even know where I was going, no I wasn't because what I needed now was to stay away from the man I adored and loved so much which made my heart cry with pain. 

In my entire life I have never felt this much pain even when Edward and his children insulted me. This was two much to bare. 

Tired of running, I knelt down on the ground and let my tears flow out. Hoping everything I heard and was all a lie. 

Crying letting all my anger fanish I pair of hands touched my shoulders making me startled and stand up to look at the person who I didn't hear approaching me, 

Alexandra stood there his eyes holding no emotions he didn't say a thing and just looked at me, well great because I was not willing to talk to him neither. 

" Baby listen to me everything Maureen told you was not the actual truth please listen to me"

" Am listening you can explain " I said crossing my hands on my chest I really needed an explanation to clear all the doubts and what I was feeling. 

" Let's sit down first " I did what he said I was tired of standing anyways. 

" M, Maureen might have told you all the bad things about me but believe me  not like that baby yes it's true I slept with her sister and a couple of times " He said making me look up at him and my tears coming out again. If Alexandra slept with Maureen's sister that meant he slept with other girls before. His he still doing that because I haven't given him my virginity yet? 

" Baby it's not what you are thinking after I knew about you believe me I only have eyes for you and no one else " He said this mate bond was completely insane why did he have to know everything I want thinking. It was driving me crazy. 

" Yes I slept with her only for my sexual needs and would go to her when I was stressed. Alisha knew the deal and she knew I would never fall for her and she agreed to warm my bed . Alisha thought because she gave me her virginity I would choose and love her  which didn't happen. I thought she was only threatening me she would take her life if I didn't make her my Luna when I didn't take her seriously she went ahead and killed herself. Mariana am not the monster that everyone thinks I am "

Alexandra said the last part in a pitful way which made me look at him and that tore my heart to pieces why would anyone think of this beautiful angel as a monster. 

" You are no monster Alexandra, you are an angel and I don't care what everyone thinks of you, you're mine and I won't let anyone take you away from me " I said cupping his cheeks with my hands. 

" Baby do you believe what I told you? "

" Yes I do but I just need time to get over it " I said and he nodded

" I will give you all the time you need in the world as long as you stay near me and don't run off" He said and I chuckled he lost so sweet and innocent. 

" You have a brother? " I asked 

" Yes I do have one his my younger brother buto he doesn't stay here "

" Why? " 

" After my parents died  Alec didn't want to stay in the pack and decided to go study in the human world but he comes here once in a year"

" So is he here right now ? "

" Yes he arrived a day before we did".

" Oh okay, I heard about your sister my condolences it shouldn't have happened "  I really felt bad for Alexandra he lost his parents and sister, his brother doesn't even live with him which meant he was alone all these years and people considered him a monster he wasn't but not for long. 

" From now on you will never be alone, you have me, my mom, Jane, beta Jake and Bupe " 

" Yes I do" He said and gave me a slow but passionate kiss on my lips 

Werewolves truly exist ( Editing)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant