Chapter 17

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A few weeks passed after she came back from Miami and the incident with her family.  Mariana never worried about anything in the passed weeks as she spent all her days with Jack flirting. 

Mariana was in her office going through some files. She was waiting for her new manager to come in. Jack only told Mariana two days ago that he appointed a new manager. Well it didn't bother her that he did that but the problem was he didn't tell her sooner and why he did that. The former manager was okay and did his job perfectly, so what was the need to replace him?. 

A knock came to the door and the person came in Mariana looked up only to meet icy blue eyes. Mariana looked at the man up and down and could not believe this was her manager. 

The man was light in complexion, dark hair,beautiful lips and was tall just like Jack. He wore a white Plain long sleeve shirt buttoned up. A black tie with black pants and shoes. 

His shirt fit him perfectly in all the right places hugging his muscles. Mariana could not help but stare at the man in front of her he was totally a description of a man. 

"Ma'am" Mariana flinched when she heard his deep voice making her come back to reality. She smiled at the man who was standing just a few steps away from her. 

"sorry about that please take a seat"  The man sat down and handed a file he had in his hands to Mariana. She took the file from him and opened it " Alex Hunter ? " Mariana said more like a question.

"Yes ma'am" His deep voice reaching to her eyes as though it was music. 

Mariana hummed in approval and went back to reading the rest. She asked him a lot of questions  concerning his job and he answered all of them with ease. Mariana was really impressed with the answers he knew exactly everything and how to do it. Despite being handsome his also intelligent it would be such a pity if he was this handsome and was not smart at the same time. 

Mariana stood up from her seat and shook Alex's hand " Welcome to MM company Mr Alex Hunter. Please make yourself comfortable if you need anything and learn more about the company and work. You can ask my assistant he will help you with that "

"Thank you ma'am".

" Most welcome " Mariana said and sat back in her black executive  chair. 

Mariana looked at Alex confused when she noticed he didn't move from his spot "well? " Mariana asked. 

"Sorry boss if you don't mind may you show me where his office is? " Mariana didn't believe this he knew Jack first and came to the company twice and he does not know Jack's office. Mariana wanted to ask if he didn't know Jack's office but still said " Sure thing"

Mariana stood up and led the way to Jack's office. The good part was Mariana didn't have to walk far as Jack's office was opposite to hers. Mariana got in Jack's office without knocking. He was sitting in his chair with both hands at each side of the phone. He was surely playing games on how he held the phone and how he payed attention on the screen. 

Jack didn't need to look up to see who just arrived he knew exactly who would enter his office without knocking. " Mariana don't you know how to knock? Should I remind you that this is my office and not yours? "

Mariana frowned but still maintained her posture. She cleared her throat and called out to Jack in her professional tone " Jack ".

"What Mariana? Are you just going to  stand there and do nothing ? I missed you, what's up with you. You didn't even come to see me since you came to the office I have been dying to see you, but am not dead" Jack chuckled at his last sentence " What about you give me a head? I promise it won't take long as usual I just need a release " Jack said with a smirk written all over his face. Leaving Mariana speechless and horrified did he have to say that. 

Mariana's POV

I was completely out of my way I thought of killing someone and Jack will be the perfect person and I would kill him right there and then without thinking twice. It was no lie that I had been giving Jack a head lately while he suck me. I tried to make a move and let him fuck me but he always pulled away and said he could not do it. Is it that bad for my best friend to take away my virginity and make me touch heaven and know how it feels instead of watching porn everyday and hoping someone could fuck me like that. 


Did Jack even realize someone else was here. Damn you ass hole. What will Alex think of me, I have been fucking my assistant all this while who is my best friend it was totally insane. I want to dig a hole and bury myself there out of embarrassment but there was no way it was going to happen. 

I looked behind me and saw Alex throwing daggers at Jack his eyes dark from anger and his hands clenched into fists. Why was he upset? I don't know but my instincts told me to drag Jack out and save him from angry Alex. 

I walked towards Jack and snatched his phone from his hands. Without realizing it I was sitting on Jack's lap and he smashed his lips on mine aggressively. Jack was not kissing me as lovely as he does all the time. This time he kissed me with so much rush eager to cause me pain. I didn't mind I kissed him back with so much favor. I missed his lips on mine the entire morning and I was not letting him go. 

I dug my nails at his back. He held my chin squeezing it. Kissing me with his tongue making me let out a soft moan. Filled with lust I was holding Jack's belt ready to take it off but I was pushed off him making me fall down on the floor with a loud thud on my butt  causing me pain. No lie it really hurt. 

I looked up only to see Jack bleeding from the nose and Alex  holding him by his collar ready to finish him off right there and then, did he punch him? It looked like it. But to my surprise Jack didn't seem shakened or shocked by Alex's act instead he smirked at him. 

I stood up and pushed Alex away so I could see bleeding Jack. It was totally insane to see my manager and assistant like this and it was all because of me. Wait were Jack and Alex fighting because of me or they had something against each other? I could not help but think that way. 

Alex stared at Jack one last time and stormed out of the office. I got the first aid kit and cleaned Jack's nose. I sat on his lap when I was done.I wrapped my hands around his neck and rested my head on his chest. 

Jack wrapped  his hands around my waist and gave me a small kiss in my hair " Am sorry M didn't mean to do that "

"It's fine Jack" 

Although I said it was fine the fact was that it was not fine. Me and Jack are not even in a relationship but we still make out.  Jack is my best friend instead of enjoying all this I should be ashamed of myself. 

My heart tightened as guilt washed over me. Alex saw everything what will he think of me. I should not care about what he thinks, I should not even bother about it but I still did. Somehow I thought I owned Alex an explanation before something bad happens. 

I stood up from Jack's laps and walked out leaving him confused. I looked for Alex like crazy and finally found him in his office with his back facing me. 


Happy  Wednesday sending love

* edited *

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