Author note

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Hey guys, I am just here to clarify some things.

- I am sorry but there is no poly ship cause I am lost on how to write it.

- yes Percy and Siruis dated for a bit then they became best friends since he found he truly swung the other way for Remus. (No s** had happened)

- Yes this is a bit of a modern Krishna love story and you will see in the next chapter why is that

- One thing for sure Aishi and Harry are endgame

- Yes Tom will be adopted by Percy.

- Percy is part Indian on Sally's side, but due to things Sally was not properly taught of her culture till she married Paul and they both are slowly learning their side of the culture

- Percy is a reincarnation of Shri Radha who is the Avatar of Lakshmi but had no memories of her past lives . You will see how she was born to Sally in the next chapter.

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