Wrapping the sheets around me , I was so stupid . I left because I thought I could and I felt like he didn't own me & I could do what I wanted .
So I left 4 months ago with this girl who worked at Kara shop that Kara told me not to talk to but Mandy was the only person who really talked to me.
I was wrong she was up to no good and she knew that Life was crazy so she snuck me out one night and took me to Bayou with her and shit just went left .
She started eating me out and fucking on me.
Never enter me but she ate me and sucked my titties and had me popping Mollies with her.

The first month I was scared , like bitch you tricked me , you had me thinking we was going to be cool and you was gonna help me get a bigger bag but you was just doing what you want with me.

I was so used to thinking people who help me knew what was  best for me so when she made me dance with her it was good. She made sure we made a bag and she did private shows for a few dollars, she used to eat me out and shit in front of a group of niggas , one thing she didn't do was let no man touch me so I thought that was her protected me.

When Kesh grabbed me I was happy but so scared because I knew I had to face Life and he told me a few times not to cross him and then I heard that he was looking for me , I was surprise he didn't find me earlier .

But I'm so hurt by him now because he took my virginity and he's been just fucking me so hard and rough that I'm so sick and sore because I knew he was doing it to be mean 😢, like why are you doing me like this? I'm sorry 😞

3 months later
Bitch you pregnant? Kesh asked me as I cried in the corner.
After that week of him just doing whatever he wanted with my body he left me alone.
He made me go back to the apartment and he stop speaking to me.
I was told to work with Kesh and Chyna at the car wash he had and that was it, I wasn't gonna try him again, he had my mind now thinking that I was his property and what he said go.

I don't know I cried as I looked at her.
I haven't seen him, he hasn't called or popped up , all I knew was not to try him and that was it .

Bitch take this test, Kesh says as I just looked at the test she had in her hand.

3 pm
Shaking , like I'm so scared , I took the test and I was indeed pregnant.
Kesh made me go home and told me she would check on me later.
I heard her call him and I heard her tell him but I didn't know what he said so that had me scared but when I got home he was already here and he's just looking at me .
I told him what happen with Mandy and he didn't reply .
I knew Life ain't like me because he basically was raping me for that week. He bite me all over and choked the fuck out of me . How can you like someone and you do that? I don't care what nobody say, he was wrong .

I couldn't even look him in the eyes, like I was so afraid of him.

Walking towards me , my heart beats so fast.
Feeling him breathe on me , I shook.

I'm sorry for doing you wrong , I'm sorry for taking your virginity how I took it and I'm sorry for getting you pregnant . He lowly says as I just nodded my head.

I'm be a good man to you and a good daddy to our baby, he says in a weird tone.
Like nigga I don't want your baby and I don't want to be your girl, you scared me and you raped me, I thought as I just looked at him.

Okay okay I am not gonna lie,
Life is very very much fine as fuck.
He's 6'3 caramel skin color , he's medium builded , the tattoos that covered his arms and back was everything and his soft thick hair that he always had braided was everything . His hair was down his back and he kept it edge up so nicely. Like I really wanted to be his bitch before all this shit happened but now I'm so afraid of him and I just want him to not hurt me.

Can you please forgive me? He asked as he looks at my lips and he place his hand on my belly.
Yeah I knew I was pregnant last month when I felt the butterflies in my belly. Like I  haven't had a period since I been back and all that shit happened.
But now it's real and he knows and I know so what do I do?

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