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Bitch he is fine, like what the fuck? Chyna says as Chad is standing in front of us at the airport.

So it's been a few months since we went back home for the kids to see their daddy and everything.
Life really didn't say anything to me. He ask could he see his kids and I told him yes and we could arrange for them to see him . That's it, nothing more nothing less.

So it's Christmas and I dropped the kids off to him and now I'm back in California and Chyna came with me. She wanted to visit and I was down with it . Shit I just really work and took care of my babies so this little company was much needed .

Girl he is everything , oh my goodness, Chyna says as Chad walked towards us. He was home and he wanted to pick us up from the airport.

Umm it was nice dating him, like he was really fun . He wasn't too happy about the kids not being home for Christmas because he was in love with them.
He went crazy shopping for them and everything.
So we didn't stay together because I didn't want to rush anything but Chad is very much in love with me and I love him to but I refuse to rush anything .
He hated that my kids was in public school. He wanted to pay for them to go to a private school but I wasn't allowing him to do .

Yes I was having sex with him and yes he was giving me the world . And yes he would do things for my kids but I didn't want him to feel like he had to . So the things he did for them was him just doing them without asking me.

He took Ammar to Disney for her birthday, I paid nothing . He put us in a resort for 2 weeks , everything covered. We just had to enjoy ourselves. The babies was able to meet all the characters and they had so much fun.

Kissing my lips without speaking , like this dude was so much different and I really didn't know how to accept his love.
He wanted us to fly out to every state he was in and I just couldn't , I didn't have a full time babysitter and I had kids.
The one time we did fly out to see him the kids had so much fun, he took them swimming and shopping and they were able to a see him in action and we really enjoyed it.

He tells me I'm beautiful, he sleeps on the phone with me and he's teaching me what dating is.
The days he's home and I can find a babysitter he takes me out on dates and to the movies and the days I cannot find a babysitter that I trust , we wait until the kids are sleep and he brings dinner to me or we have date day with the kids and he takes us to some cool museums or park and just have a good time.
He did have one son but the baby was in Canada with his ex wife and we did have him. I only met him one and I also met the ex wife and she was nice, she looked so much different then me and I question him about me being his type because she's a white woman and slim.
I'm thick and I'm brown so I just wanted to make sure I was what he want.
He told me a few months in that he had a crush on me in school and I didn't even know he noticed me in school, I was the poor girl until Life came into my life .

Kissing his lips back, like the connection was great, I was just very careful with him and I didn't set myself up for failure
I never got my hopes up high because I didn't want to get disappointed.

Babe this Chyna, Chyna this Chad, I said introducing her to him.

Oh yeah I know Chyna, Kesha her sister, hi nice to see you, he says hugging her .

😳 oh my god someone remember us? Chyna laughed .
Yeah I do, y'all ready ? Can I take y'all to lunch? He asked knowing I would have said no .
Yesss Chyna says before I could get it out. She said I was stupid for turning down the nice shit and I needed to accept and appreciate a good man . She was right and I wanted to but I just didn't want my heart broken .

Life❤️Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora