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Watching her walk into this clinic, we haven't spoken to each other in days.

I wasn't cheating, I did shower somewhere else the other night because I had blood all over my fucking clothes . But cheating for what? If I ain't want to be with her I would leave but I wanted this so why cheat?

I was going through the garbage a few days ago and seen four pregnancy test , all was positive. Ah nigga was happy as fuck and excited but we wasn't talking so I couldn't even let her know how happy I was.

Nigga this the abortion clinic, Kabir says as I text her phone, as I'm texting her phone she's walking back out, I know she ain't see anyone that fast.

Watching her get into her car, she looked so upset .

Just watching her, I'm in Kabir car so she doesn't know I been following her all morning.

Text messages:
If you gonna treat me like shit all week long for nothing it's very messed up, I came back to you for you to love me and for us to be a happy family . But you want to cheat and be upset with me because you promised me something . But guess what ??? Im 8 weeks pregnant and you are stuck with me so if you want to cheat just leave me alone, let me enjoy this pregnancy. :Wifey

When did I cheat? I love you to much to cheat on you : Me

Why did you come home smelling like you had shower: Wifey

Because I did but I didn't cheat: me

Whatever Life, I'm going home please don't say anything else to me today, if you're not gonna tell the truth. Wifey

Don't whatever me and yeah take your ass home so I can smell you, where are you? Me

At the abortion clinic finna kill your baby : Wifey

Try me and see what happens: me.

Just sitting a few cars from her I can see her crying .
Getting out the car, I just walked to her car.
Like I felt bad for having her crying and for making her think I'm cheating.
I swear I wasn't.

Opening her driver door of the 2023 Volvo that belongs to me but I gave to her because she wanted it .
Looking at her as she looked at me , she's crying deadly tears.
Get out the car, I say .
Doing as told , she had on this two piece short set .

Wrapping my arms around the fat ass I squat to pick her up. Wrapping her legs around me, she's crying but I was gonna stop them tears.
Kissing her lips, I licked her face .
I'm not cheating on you, I cooed as she just looked at my lips.
It was a fight and I had blood on me, I didn't cheat I swear on my granny, I cooed as I held her.

Kissing her lips she kissed back.
I'm sorry for being mean, I was very upset about the situation and just need to relax I shouldn't of took it out on you , I explained as I kissed her lips again.

Let me take you home and kiss on your belly, I say as she just looked at me.

Putting her down, I walked her to the passenger side.

10 pm
My baby is sleep, Tala is up eating ice cream and my brother is watching the game with me.
Truth was my favorite but he was hardheaded .

Tala wanted me to get my little sister Connie but I couldn't deal with her mouth , like I beat her ass so many times it was crazy .
She's 14 and is very much to grown.

Hearing my phone ring , I look back at Tala bringing it to me .

Thanking her , when we got home I made love to her and kissed all on the belly . We talked and I told her she had me fucked up by going to the clinic, I would of knocked her head off .

Listening to my granny tell me Connie wasn't home and Honestly said she was with our momma after school .
I have told them not to never go with her and this little fucker always did the opposite.

I knew where my momma be at all the time . I have went over and took her food and clothes.
We didn't talk , I wouldn't even speak to her but I made sure she was safe and a lot of niggas wouldn't sale to her .
As my granny is telling me she couldn't do it anymore , Kain is calling me .

Telling granny I'm be over there , I clicked over to talk to Kain.
Screaming he tells me he just beat the black off of Connie and she's in his car and he's finna off Zoe ( means life that's where his name came from)

Telling him to wait, I was on my way, I kissed Tala and grabbed my keys.

20 mins later
Beating Connie, she cried as I popped her with the belt that I carried in my car personally for them.

Zoe what did I tell you about not running them off? Kain asked her as I make Connie get in the car.

Constance came over here to see me, I called you Kain to come get her because I knew Life didn't want her over here, please don't disrespect me, Zoe says as I just looked at her .

Momma I told you not to let them come over here, Honestly said she seen Connie with you earlier, why you ain't call me then? I asked her .
See I respected her still , Kain didn't . He hated her and I told him he better not never hit my momma but he has threatened her.

Man if she come over her again, I'm off your fuck ass, he says as he walked away.

Oh I'm get him but not in front of her .

Momma please don't have them around here, it's nothing good over here, I said giving her a plate of food that I had stop and got, I would never give her cash money , never.

Okay Life she says as she looked me in the eyes.
I'm her oldest , Connie the baby and it's 6 of us.
She just couldn't stay clean and it's sad because she's so beautiful and smart .

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