Chapter 5: Perfect Sunset

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Hey everyone!

Yep another chapter. I am like a catapult, just launching many new chapters within a day.

I started writing this chapter on the same day I started this fanfic. However because it's now night, I may finish it tomorrow. Yep had to say that because it's SUPER important. (Could you tell the amount of sarcasm there? Yep.)

I'd just like to be super honest right now, and admit that it took a while to figure out where this chapter would lead to. (See no sarcasm there. Can you tell the difference?) So yeah, enjoy!




~Natsu's POV~

We went into our groups. I was too scared to do anything wrong, considering Erza was our instructor. But as the training went on it seemed as if she was focused on other things.

We first worked on unleashing our power. We had to break through a solid obsidian wall that was brought onto the beach. I have no idea how they got those there.

When it was Lucy's turn, she called on Loke and Aries, who then helped her break it down. Honestly, I was impressed. She had gone pretty far since she first joined. My mind became filled of times when I was with Lucy. A few minutes later, I realized someone was calling my name.


"Huh?" I realized too late that it was Erza calling my name.

Thud. Erza picked me up and threw me into the obsidian wall. Ouch.

"I'm sorry Erza! Please don't kill me, I'll listen now," I cried.

"Mhm... You better. Now then where was I... Oh yes. Natsu. BREAK THE DAMN WALL!" Erza yelled at me. Her eyes were filled with fury. She hated repeating herself.

I managed to get up. "Sure thing. I'll beat it to a pulp!"

I heard a familiar voice behind me, "It's not a person, he just needs to break it not beat it to a pulp. That airhead."

Thanks Lucy. I needed that support from you.

~Jellal's POV~

Although Erza is terrifying to most people when she's angry, to me she just looks cute. She beat up Natsu, and just like that the training continued.

After training, everyone was dismissed. Almost everyone went back to the hotel. Erza sat down on the beach, watching the ocean waves, as the sun set.

I walked up to her and asked, "Mind if I join you?"

She looked up at me. It looked like she blushed just then. It was probably just my imagination.

"Y-Yeah, sure."

I sat next to her, the soft sand underneath me, the ocean waves coming almost to our feet. It looked to me like the sky was mixed with too much color as the sun slowly set upon the mountains in the distance. It was a perfect sunset.

I sat so my hands were at my side and looked up at the sky.

"Hey Erza?" I asked.

"Yes Jellal?"

"Are you not happy to see me?" I asked, a hint of sadness in my voice. I think she may have noticed it because she looked surprised.

"I-Its not that I wasn't happy to see you. I was. Really. I was just surprised, that's all. Y'know with what happened the tower and all."

"Oh. Well I'm relived to know that you were happy to see me then."

This time I knew Erza blushed even though the sky was getting dark.

"Listen Jellal, I never did properly thank you," Erza said.

She was now looking at the sky too. The sun was moving closer down the mountains. The sky getting a hint of black in it slowly but surely.

I looked down at her face. Her hair was pulled back into a pony tail. She really did look like the Queen of Fairies with the sun's last rays shining on her face.

"What for?" I asked.

"For helping us train in preparation for the Grand Magic Games. The whole second origin thing. It really did help us. Thank you," She looked at me and smiled.

Blushing, I said, "T-That was nothing. Although your guild is truly weird, I still think of it as family. And I was really happy to be able to help you guys."

I looked up at the sun once more, as it was just about gone. I then felt something on my hand. I looked down. Erza's hand was on top of mine.

She was looking at me again. Her smile was the biggest I had ever seen. I stared at her for a moment but that stare quickly broke into a smile, and then for some reason a laugh.

I laughed so hard, and I couldn't stop. It was like a sign of relief. I was so happy because it was like we were back to the old memories of when we were together. The good memories.

Erza looked at me for a moment, clearly confused. But then she started laughing too. I was beyond happy to see Erza laugh. It just made me feel even happier.

And just like that our laughter filled the newly born night sky, a new day waiting to come.

JERZA MOMENT. I died just a bit while writing this chapter. Mhm. But it was all worth it!

I put that note at the beginning for the reason. Could ya tell the sarcasm in the beginning? Yep. Good times.

P.S. Yes I did finish this on the same day. Had to mention that.


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