Chapter 6: I'm Here For You

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Hey everyone!

So I was sitting in my room while typing the Jerza moment last chapter and at the same time I was squealing, so my sister looked over at me and thought I was going crazy. Oh well.


I had to debate on whether or not Jerza should become a thing in that chapter or if I should wait a bit.

So me personally, I like drama in animes, and so I decided to wait for Jerza. Yep I'm truly sorry to Jerza shippers, but it'll come true soon enough. Till then, let the story continue!

P.S. Yes I know Mira isn't exactly like this, but she seems like it in some episodes of Fairy Tail. Plus, Most girls are like this when it comes to shipments (including me) So I sort of made myself into Mira for this fanfic because this is exactly what I would do to get my ships together and how I would react seeing them as one. Mhm.


~Mira's POV~

I hid behind a bush, watching Erza and Jellal. They were so close together, it made me squeal.

When I saw that Erza had put her hand on Jellal's, I felt so good! One of my beautiful beautiful OTP'S was coming true. I hated being forceful, but a lot of these idiots wouldn't know love if it was dropped onto their heads and yelled "TRUE LOVE".

I quietly sneaked out from behind the bush, and walked to the hotel. When I got to the hotel lobby, I found a certain someone waiting there....

"Laxus? What are you doing here....?" I asked, surprised.

Laxus walked over to where I was standing. He was close. He smelled like a sweet fragrance, but I couldn't tell what it was, probably because my mind wasn't working properly and my heart was beating too fast.

"I was waiting for you. I know you're up to something. It's really obvious. And I wanna know what that something is," he explained.

He put his hands in his pockets and stood straight. He looked me right in the eyes. I felt the red from my ears make its way down to my cheeks. I quickly looked away.

"I- Um... Uh."

He came closer. I backed away a little. I didn't understand what was going on...

I looked at the ground and said, "You already know don't you? Why are you asking me then...?"

"I want to hear it from you. Now tell me," he said, his tone was completely serious.

"Fine! I'm just trying to get my shipments together so they can be couple and then get married an-"

Before I could finish my sentence, Laxus burst into laughter. He looked kind of cute when he laughed.

"W-What's so funny?" I pouted.

"It's just you said that so seriously, and it's just hilarious to see you take it like its a job. Mira, you're just very amusing sometimes y'know?" Laxus laughed.

Amusing? He thought I was amusing? I blushed, and looked away once more.

"Well anyways, you have fun with that. I'm going to watch your 'ships' from the sidelines. This trip will be more amusing than I thought," Whistling, Laxus went back to his room.

I stood there, wondering what just happened. I couldn't really remember the conversation. All I really remembered was the sound of Laxus' laugh and the look on his face. It was just cute.

~Natsu's POV~

I woke up to the sound of Happy singing a stupid song about.. Nalu? Whatever that was, while circling around my head.

I got up and out of my bed. I got dressed and hurried down to breakfast. Today was the second day of the camp, and no matter what, I was going to beat that ice princess at every damn thing we did.

The training started off with Erza yelling at us to pay attention and to stop slacking off. She was explaining archery because that would be what we would be focusing on today for some reason. Don't ask me why, I don't have a clue.

For some reason, Erza was being less mean to us than usual. She even gave us a five minute break before we started archery.

While I was drinking water, I noticed that Lucy wasn't here. I looked around for a moment or two, and then spotted Lucy sitting at a far away spot, her head buried in her hands.

I ran up to her and asked, "Is something wrong Lucy? You seem upset."

She looked up at me and gave me the saddest smile I had ever seen. She then shook her head, put her knees up, put her head on her knees, and turned her head sideways.

I wasn't convinced one bit. I sat next to her and positioned myself the same as her. I turned my head to face hers.

"Look Lucy, I know you're upset. Talking to someone about it will make you feel better. You can tell me about it," I told her. My face was plastered with concern.

Lucy sighed. "It's just that the anniversary of my moms death is coming up, and I've just been remembering her more and more lately."

She must have realized I was more than concerned because she added, "Don't worry, this happens every year around this time. It's just I can never get used to it."

"Well of course, no one can get used to that. But Luce remember that there are people around you who care for you more than you know. If you let them help you, you'll find yourself feeling better."

I paused for a moment. I knew what it was like loosing a parent. But I didn't want Lucy to feel sad or upset

"I know you can never get over it, and I'm not telling you to. But rely on me a little more. Please."

Lucy smiled at me, but this time it was her normal smile. She leaned towards me, and put her head on my shoulder.

"Thanks Natsu."

I grinned, "Anytime."

~Levy's POV~

I was taking a break from training when all of a sudden Mira came behind me and squealed, "Oh my Mavis! ITS HAPPENING! THE START OF NALU!"

I looked at her, clearly confused. She then pointed to Natsu and Lucy who were sitting separately from the others. Lucy's head was resting on Natsu's shoulder. ADORABLE!

"They look SO CUTE TOGETHER!" I was turning into Mira, but I couldn't help it. They really did look good together.

"Exactly!" Mira said triumphantly.

Clearly pleased with herself, she walked on over back to where Master was standing, and the two chuckled about something.

Just then, I was lifted into the air.


"Hey there Shrimpy! Why are you staring off into space? Focus on training," He said, laughing.

"PUT ME DOWN!" I yelled, punching at his chest.


When Gajeel refused to put me down, my heart skipped a beat for some reason. My face tinted with red, as he carried me back to begin training once more.

Damn right your heart skipped a beat!

I decided to add in some Gale moments just at the end as a hint for the next or future chapters.

I'm not quite sure yet.



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