Chapter 16: Love Rivals

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Heya Minna!

I was really sad this morning because I watched the last episode of Kuroko's Basketball Season 3.

The episode was great, but the sad part was that it has now ended. I have absolutely no idea if they will make a fourth season, but I'm crossing my fingers.

I quickly got over it though by remembering that the second season of Haikyu is coming out this October.

If you haven't watched either of those animes, I highly suggest them both.

~Natsu's POV~

I was laying down on my bed, unable to fall asleep. Every time I closed my eyes, I would either remember what Lucy said on our ride to the resort or see her smiling at me.

She had had her first crush already... Did that mean that she also already had her first boyfriend? Why did it bug me so much to the extent that I couldn't go to sleep...

Maybe I was just a dense idiot. I couldn't understand any of this. I would have to talk to Lucy directly. Because if I didn't, then I would never be able to sleep again.

~Jellal's POV~

Mira had invited us to the girls room for breakfast. Clearly she was just trying to get Erza and I to talk.

I still can't believe I did that. It was just that everything was perfect about that night. The childhood memory. The quiet yet soothing feeling. And the end to a fun dance.

I sat down at the breakfast table, waiting for Erza to awake. I had to talk to her and clear everything up. Leaving her in awe was stupid of me, but I didn't know what else to do.

I felt a light tap on my shoulder. I looked back, and saw Natsu standing behind me. "Hey, you alright man? Still thinking about last night?"

"Oh so you guys know about what happened last night?" Lisanna asked them.

The guys nodded.

I looked at him. "Yeah... Yeah I'm fine."

A few minutes later, Erza came downstairs, shocked to see the boys, eating breakfast downstairs.

A deathly glare immediately went towards Mira. However, Mira just innocently smiled at her.

"I think these two need to talk. You two should go out to the floor lobby and sort everything out," Mira said, still acting innocent.

"Erm.. If that's alright with Jellal," Erza said, still avoiding eye contact with yours truly.

"Yeah," I got up and walked out to the floor lobby along with Erza trailing behind me.

When we got there, we sat down on a sofa that was laid down there.

"Listen Erza, Mira is right. We do need to talk about what happened last night," I said, looking at her.

"Okay... Go ahead," Erza said. She still hadn't made eye contact with me.

"I guess yesterday I acted on instinct because everything was so perfect and for one thing you did look beautiful in your dress, and I guess you could call it an accident. I'm sorry. Let's just forget everything that happened last night and pretend it didn't even happen."

I looked around and then back at her. "I just want to be able to talk to you normally Erza. Like before."

I knew that my voice sounded desperate but I didn't care. I really wanted to be able to talk to Erza without any awkwardness.

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