Chapter 46: The Interview

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Hey everyone!

So I have a question for you guys that you don't have to answer, obviously, but I'm curious. What is your favorite TV show? Not including anime.

I want to compare and contrast myself and see if you guys have similar interests. Just as an experiment, because I'm a curious person.

And before you ask, no, I'm not Curious George.

~Lucy's POV~

As I was sitting on my bed, staring at the latest Sorcerers Weekly magazine, I heard a knock on my door.

"Come in," I called.

Natsu entered my room, closing the door behind him. He wore his famous grin, which for some reason, always reassured me that everything would be okay.

Except this time, his grin seemed a little bit different. And as I had learned, different with Natsu? It's not always a good thing.

"Hey Luce!" he exclaimed.

"Hi Natsu, what's up?" I asked, sighing.

"Good question. I need you to be ready for an interview within 30 minutes," he said.

"What? Why?" I asked.

He looked around and when he saw the magazine in my hand, he took it, studied it for a few seconds and then looked up at me.

"This is why," he said, pointing at the title of the article: Magnolia's Golden Couple?

Beneath it was the article about me and Natsu, along with the picture from yesterday.

"What about it?" I asked, shocked that he even knew about it.

"Well we have to clear this misunderstanding up. We aren't a couple, and with my relationship with Lis, I can't have her hearing about these rumors flying around," Natsu said.

I felt my heart drop. "Wh- What relationship exactly with Lisanna do you have?"

"Oh I asked her out. You said we'd make a good couple, and I agree with you. She is my girlfriend now, not you. So can you please go get ready so we can go clear up this misunderstanding," Natsu explained.

I'd only said that because I was jealous. I know Lisanna supported me and Natsu getting together, so what suddenly happened that she agreed to go out with him? It made no sense.

And now he was asking me to clear up this misunderstanding? How dense was he? If he wanted me to clear this up, then fine, I would. But in my own way.

"Sure. Give me 30 minutes," I said, as cheerfully as I could.

Natsu looked surprised for a second, but he replaced it with a cheerful grin. "Take all the time you need."

I got my clothes and headed into the bathroom. Once I got ready, I studied myself in the mirror.

I wiped a tear off my face, took a deep breath, and left the bathroom. Natsu was sitting on my bed, playing with a ball of fire.

Once he saw me, he extinguished the flames and grinned. "Ready to go?"

"Yeah, let's go," I said.

We rode the elevator down in silence, and entered the lobby where Mira and Lisanna were waiting.

As soon as they saw us, Lisanna ran up to Natsu and linked her arm through his with a smile.

"Hey Natsu!" she exclaimed.

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