Chapter 27: Kinect Sports

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Hey everyone!

Game Night has finally arrived! YES!

That reminds me, in one of the chapters of Blue Spring Ride, the main male protagonist yelled "YAS!" and I found it quite amusing.

Well anyways, it is still summer and today I was bored so I drew Natsu, and it wasn't entirely bad so good for me!

Congratulate yourself about stuff you draw. Best way to start off a chapter.


~Gajeel's POV~

We were all seated around the TV, multiple video games scattered on the ground in front of us. Remember how the girls had, for some reason, made Mira in charge of Game Night?

Yeah well, she had coincidentally put all of her favorite couples side by side, meaning that I had to sit next to Levy. Not that I minded.

Juvia and Gray had been forced to sit in a single seat. When Juvia offered to sit on the floor next to the chair, Gray immediately refused, insisting that she sit with him.

Natsu and Lucy were ordered to share a beanbag chair, which didn't seem to annoy Natsu, but for some reason, it looked like it made Lucy nervous.

Erza, Jellal, Levy, and I sat on the big sofa, the exceeds sitting on the ground near us. Wendy and Romeo shared a beanbag chair as well, but they didn't seem too shy about it.

At the back, Mira, Laxus and Lisanna sat, probably to make sure none of us changed our seats.

"We should start with Kinect Sports," Natsu suggested.

"Works for me," Levy said.

"As long as I get to beat Salamander in it, I don't care which game it is," Gray commented.

Natsu started laughing. "You think you can beat me Ice Princess?"

"Heck yeah I can Pyro. After all, I do have Juvia as a partner."

Juvia's face became a deep shade of red.

"I don't think so boys. If anyone is going to win, it's going to be Jellal and I," Erza stated.

Jellal looked surprised at first but then gained a small smile on his face.

"We'll see about that. Lucy and I make the best team, so we'll definitely beat you all," Natsu said with a grin.

Lucy became cherry red and hid her face in her hands.

"Hold on. You guys are forgetting that I have Levy as my partner. We won't lose." I grinned.

"Believe what you want," Natsu said.

"I believe what's true."

"And is that the fact that you have a frozen brain, Ice Princess?"

"What'd you say Flame Freak?"

"You heard me."

Natsu and Gray an all out fight. But it didn't last too long thanks to Mira. "Would you guys stop fighting and start the damn game?!" Mira yelled.

"Anyone else dare to challenge us?" Erza asked with a smirk.

"Lucy and I haven't gone against you yet," Natsu pointed out.

"Fine, lets see what you two can do."

"It would be our pleasure," Natsu said with a mocking bow.

Natsu and Lucy walked up in front of the TV, taking their stance for the tennis game.

The game started, and right off the bat, Erza scored. Natsu hit the ball to the other side, and Jellal returned it. Natsu ran to the right and hit the ball, but crashed into Gray.

"What the heck Pyro?!" Gray yelled.

"Sorry Ice Princess. But hey look, I scored." Natsu grinned.

The game continued, and soon enough the two teams were tied. It was the game point for both of them.

As Erza hit the ball to the other side, it flew to the corner, but it was saved by Lucy who bounced it back to Erza. Erza hit it back towards the middle where neither Natsu, nor Lucy were.

However, Natsu ran and returned the ball, all the way to the corner where Erza was. Because Erza thought that neither of them would be able to get the ball back, she wasn't ready.

Unfortunately for Team Nalu, as Mira called them, Jellal was ready, and he returned the ball back. Determined not to lose, Lucy hit the tennis ball one last time. The TV displayed it bouncing onto the opposing teams side, and ending the match.

"YES WE WON!" Natsu exclaimed as he gave Lucy a hug, lifting her up off the ground, which caused the blonde to turn a deep shade of red.

"Good game," Erza said as Natsu put Lucy back on the ground. "But I have to ask you Lucy, where did you learn to play tennis like that? Even if it wasn't a real game, you played very well."

Lucy gained a smile on her face. "Father insisted that I took tennis lessons, as it was a game for ladies. I never enjoyed it, but I got to be pretty good at it," she explained.

"That makes sense." Erza nodded.

"Let's play volleyball next!" Juvia suggested.

"Now that's what I'm talking about!" Gray grinned.

When everything was set, the matches started, and it was very quickly decided that Juvia and Gray were the champions of Kinect Sports volleyball.

Team Gruvia won the last game which was against Team Nalu.

"We won Gray!" Juvia exclaimed as she hugged Gray.

But she pulled away just as quick as she had hugged him, which surprised Gray.

"S-Sorry," The water wizard apologized.

"I-It's okay," Gray said, as he hid his blushing face in his hands.

"Look at the Ice Princess. He's love sick." Nastu laughed.

"What did you say Flame Brain?!"

"You're love sick for Juvia. I get that you're quite stupid but at least understand that much."

Nastu was lecturing Gray on love? Had it really come to that?

"N-No I'm not!" Gray became a deep shade of red as well as Juvia.

"I don't think you're one to talk Natsu," Erza told him.

"Why not?"

"That's why."

"Huh?! That makes no sense!"

"Never mind. You'll figure it out soon enough," Erza said. She then whispered to herself, "Hopefully."

Mira stood up, clearing her throat. "Anyways, how about we play truth or dare?" she asked, with a small smirk.


So much Nalu and Gruvia! I have to start working on the Gale relationship as well. We can't have them left behind now can we?


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