Chapter 36: Lighten Up

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Hey everyone!

I know what you're all thinking. How did she update so quickly? Do miracles really happen?

Well, it's the weekend, and I got no homework and I had extra time so I decided to update the story, because why not?

Oh and by the way, I decided to start putting when I'm going to update in the author's notes at the end of the chapters.

Just because :)

As I stood there frozen, I couldn't wrap my head around what happened, and while I tried to, Mira came storming up to me.

"What the heck do you think you're doing Natsu? Are you trying to make my job harder?!" Mira yelled at me.

"I did what was right," I said, directing it to myself.

"That doesn't matter. Go apologize to her right now," Mira ordered.

"No. I'm not apologizing this time because I did nothing wrong."

Mira glared at me. "If you don't then it'll just be harder to get you two together."

"Together? Us? That wasn't going to happen anyways because she has Evyn."

Mira sighed and shook her head at me. "You're so stupidly dense Natsu, it annoys me sometime."

"What do you mean?"

"Never mind. Just go apologize to her, would you?"

"I said no, and I mean it. I'm not going to apologize, especially after what she said to me."

"You punched her boyfriend," Mira pointed out.

"He deserved that. He took my Luce from me."


I faced Mira. "Besides I think she's right. It would be better if we stayed out of each other's lives."

With that, I stormed off, having no idea where I was going.

~Lucy's POV~

"Are you sure you're okay?" I asked.

Evyn chuckled. "Lucy? That's the fifth time you've asked me that in the past ten minutes, and the answer is still the same. I'm fine now."

"Sorry, I'm just worried."

Evyn took my hands in his, and I couldn't help but glance at Natsu who was sitting a few seats away from us.

"I know, but I want you to have fun, not to worry about me," Evyn said.

"I'll try," I promised, mustering up a small smile.

"Good." He matched my smile, before bringing his attention back to the front of the bus, where Mira was talking about some game.

I sighed and leaned back so my head was touching the seat, as I stared at the bus's ceiling.

I couldn't believe how Natsu yelled back at me. I had never seen him act like that and it honestly worried me.

No. You're supposed to be mad at him. He punched your boyfriend.

No matter how many times I told myself that, I couldn't help but worry about Natsu. After all, I did say some mean things to him as well.

Fairy Tail Training Camp Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora