Chapter 31: Jellal's Confessions

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Hey everyone!

So, school has started for me, and I don't know how it will affect the updates.

I'll still try to update how I normally do, but it all depends on the amount of homework I get. And let's just say, I got homework on the first day of school.

Also, I wanted to add that we hit over 100 votes on this story which is absolutely amazing! Thank you all so much for that!

Well anyways...

Let's continue on with the story now, hope you enjoy!

WARNING: May cause major fan-girl moments, read with caution!

~Jellal's POV~

Erza nodded for me to continue, our gaze never breaking.

"Ever since we met, I always felt like we had a special connection. Whenever you laughed, I would get a warm feeling inside, not knowing why. When I turned dark, I always had this little voice inside of me, consistently reminding me of your name: Erza Scarlet," I started.

I took a deep breath, and let it out slowly, running my hand through my hair.

"No matter how hard I tried, I couldn't forget you. But now, I realize the truth. Even when I was dark, it wasn't that I couldn't forget about you, it was that somewhere deep down inside of me, I didn't want to forget about you."

Erza's eyes were filled with emotions, ones that I couldn't read. They were brimmed with tears, and our eyes remained locked.

"Erza, what I'm trying to say is..." I took a deep breath, trying to calm myself down.

"I love you. I always have, ever since we were kids, and I always will."

To say that Erza was shocked would be an understatement. She just stood there, staring at me.

I didn't know how long it was until she finally whispered, "You love me?"

I nodded, giving her a small smile.

I didn't expect her to have mutual feelings, but I still felt as if a huge weight had been lifted off of my shoulders, one that I had been carrying around since childhood.

A single tear fell down on Erza's cheeks. I reached her in no time, embracing her into a hug.

"Hey, don't cry."

Erza pulled back, but my arms stayed around her. She wiped the tear off of her face and sniffled.

"I love you too," she whispered.

Wait, what?

I stared at her, but the shock didn't last long because soon enough I had a full blown smile on my face, and I had embraced her back into a hug, not ever wanting let go.

We stood there for a few minutes, before she pulled back and I brought her closer to me.

I leaned in until my lips touched hers. Erza seemed surprised at first, but soon she melted into the kiss.

This feeling was like no other that I had ever felt before. And I knew that it could never be replaced.

When we pulled back, I stayed close enough so that our noses were touching. The tears were still flowing down her cheeks. I took my thumb and wiped them off.

We turned so that we could see the beautiful sunset outside, her head on my shoulder, as our ride came to an end.

I wrapped my hand around hers, helping her out of the passenger car.

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