Chapter 33: Night Swimming

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Hiya Everyone!

So I've been seeing quite a few comments that absolutely hate Evyn and want him out of the story.

But here's the thing. Evyn helps make the story what it is, and he has to be there for a reason.

Also, Evyn is a good guy. I purposely made him like that, for reasons you may or may not understand yet.

So yeah. I understand why you hate Evyn because he's standing in the way of Natsu and Lucy getting together, and I would be annoyed about that too, if I didn't know the whole plot.

So bare with him, I promise that he's not that bad.

~Lucy's POV~

As I entered the room, I noticed that the guys had come over, and were watching some movie with the girls.

Mira and Lisanna came running up to me.

"So, how was your outing with Natsu?" Mira asked, with an amused smile on her face.

"How do you know that my outing ended up being with Natsu?" I asked.

"Lisanna told me," Mira replied.

I could tell she was lying.


"What? She really did tell me." Mira smirked.

Then, a realization hit me.

"You set this up, didn't you?" I asked, already knowing the answer.

"I have no idea what you mean."

"You were the one who got Evyn to somehow have to work on that day, at that moment. And then, of course, Lisanna played along. But my question is, how did you know I would ask Lisanna to come with me?"

Mira snickered and called over Laxus, who practically came running.

"Aren't you the clever one? Yes, I did set this up," Mira admitted, as Laxus wrapped an arm around her shoulders.

Mira looked up at Laxus. "With the help of my wonderful boyfriend."

"Anything for you." Laxus winked, and kissed her cheek.

Hints of blush gathered on Mira's cheeks, but she stayed calm.

"Care to explain how you did that?" I asked, crossing my arms across my chest.

"I'd love to!" Mira exclaimed.

Lisanna leaned over and whispered something to her sister, who nodded, but the smirk remained on her face.

"It was quite simple really. You see, Trish and Daniel are close friends of mine, as I model for the same company as them. All I had to do was convince Trish to let Evyn do the photo shoot instead of Daniel, and make an excuse of why Daniel couldn't come."

"Okay, but how did you know that Natsu would insist on coming? And how did you know that I would ask Lisanna to come with us?" I asked.

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