Chapter 45: The Master Plan

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Hey everyone!

Sooo lets see.... What's new? Oh yeah.

WE HIT TEN THOUSAND VIEWS! Thank you all so much for reading and supporting this story, it means so much to me that people are enjoying it!

I never thought I would reach 10k, but here we are today, and it's amazing.

So here is what I'm going to do because we reached a goal I have had and I couldn't be happier about it. I am going to update again this weekend.

It'll be either on Saturday or on Sunday, but either way I will be updating once again this weekend and then, of course, on Monday, because that is when I normally update.

So yeah that's what is going to happen! Thank you all so much once again and I hope you enjoy this chapter!

~Natsu POV~

I quickly let go of Lisanna, feeling my face grow hot.

I glanced at Lucy to see her shocked, but she quickly replaced it with a subtle look.

"Sorry for interrupting, please continue," she said, coldly.

As she went to open the door, I grabbed her wrist.

"Wait, it wasn't like that. What did you come to say?" I asked.

She looked back at me, her eyes emotionless.

"Mira told me to tell you guys to hurry up," she answered.

She got her wrist out of my grip, before walking into the room, leaving the door open.

I glanced back at Lisanna, who was still red, but she smiled and nodded at me.

I ran into the room, where everyone turned around to see what was going on. By this time, Lucy was already half way up the stairs.

"Lucy wait!" I yelled.

She didn't wait. Lucy jogged up the stairs and into her room, slamming the door just a second too late, so I caught it and let myself in.

Lucy was sitting on her bed, staring into space. When I closed the door behind me, she looked up at me.

Her eyes sent chills down my back. They were completely emotionless.

"Lucy you're misunderstanding the situation," I said, sitting next to her.

But she just slid farther away from me.

"I don't care about what you were doing with Lisanna, that isn't my problem," she said, coldly.

"Then why did you storm into your room, and try to slam the door shut?" I asked.

She looked down at her fingers and sighed. "I wasn't trying to slam the door shut, and I didn't mean to storm upstairs. I'm just tired, that's all."

"Lucy look me right in the eyes and tell me that you don't care."

She looked me right in the eyes. "I don't care what you do with Lisanna, that is none of my business."

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