Chapter 38: Party Planning

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Hey everyone!

Okay so I know you guys want to know what'll happen between Natsu and Lucy, but I have to reach that point in the story, and I haven't yet.

I will get there in the next few chapters, and something interesting will take place. Just a small hint :)

~Levy's POV~

"I can't believe he said that," I said, shaking my head.

"Exactly, that was my reaction," Lucy agreed.

"It sounds to me like he was just jealous," Mira said, trying to hide a smile.

"Whatever, I don't want to talk about him," Lucy said.

"Okay, let's talk about something else," I suggested, shooting Mira a glare before she could protest.

"Like what?" Lucy asked.

"Your birthday is coming up in like two days," I pointed out.

Lucy face-palmed herself. "How could I forget my own birthday?"

Mira stood up and smirked. "I know how."

Lucy must've realized what she meant because she held up her finger and said, "Not another word Mira, not another word."

Mira slumped back into her chair, a pout on her face. "You're no fun Lucy."

"So back to your birthday," I started.

"I'm thinking of pizza and a movie, what do you think?" Lucy asked.

I stared at her blankly. She was completely serious.

"No way! We're throwing a party! It'll be amazing, trust me," I exclaimed.

Lucy laughed. "If that's what you want."

"We'll decorate the whole room and get the boys to help and-"

"Woah, let's not get carried away. It's just a birthday," Lucy said.

"Just a birthday? No way, it's your birthday! And we're going to make it special!" Lisanna said, walking up to us from the kitchen with a batch of cookies.

"Cookie anyone?" she asked, holding out the plate.

I took one, as did the others.

I took a bite. Delicious.

"It tastes better than the store bought ones," I said.

Lisanna laughed. "Thanks."

"So back to the party," Erza said.

"You're helping?" I asked, raising an eyebrow at her.

"Of course! Lucy is my comrade, I will gladly help set up her party." Erza nodded.

"Okay," I agreed.

"There is one thing though," Lisanna said.

"And what's that?" I asked her.

Lisanna pointed a cookie at Lucy. "Lucy can't be here when we're setting up. Only when the party starts."

"So what am I supposed to do until then?" Lucy asked.

"Go somewhere with Evyn," Erza suggested.

I nodded in agreement. "Good idea."

"That works," Lucy agreed.

Mira finished off her cookie and clapped her hands together, standing up.

She looked around at everyone. "Now then, who is going to inform the boys that they have to help with the party?"

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