Extra Chapter: Halloween Special

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Hey everyone!

Happy Halloween! And if you don't celebrate Halloween, then Happy Saturday!

So I decided to do a special chapter just because today is Halloween (woohoo!). This chapter doesn't affect the story at all, it's just a side thing.

So yeah, I hope you like it!

When Halloween rolled around in Magnolia, it was complete hell for the girls of Fairy Tail, as well as for some of the guys, as their partners loved to come up with the "perfect" costumes for the couple to wear, which always ended horribly.

Fairy Tail members had all woken up early in the morning on October 29th. Only two days until Halloween.

Every year, Magnolia would celebrate this holiday by decorating the town, and holding an annual parade that would march through town, as well as fun games with prizes.

Kids were carving pumpkins, and decorating their houses. Adults were filling their cabinets with candy for the trick or treaters.

But what everyone looked forward to the most was the city's most famous attraction: Fairy Tail.

Orange and black hung on the walls, with streamers hanging loosely from the ceiling, along with balloons floating all around the guild hall.

Master Makorov had hired an artist to carve the face of each guild member onto a pumpkin, which would later be placed on the tables and window sills.

Tables were lined against the walls, and would soon be filled with all types of delicious foods and drinks.

Guild members scurried around, trying to get everything ready and perfect for Halloween.

On the night of the 31st, the annual celebratory party would be held, which was almost as big as the Christmas one. Everyone was invited, which packed the guild pretty well.

Most of the Fairy Tail wizards were either out shopping for costumes, or busy making some.

Costumes were the exact reason why three of our favorite mages were hiding from their partners.

Also, a certain wizard made the stupid decision to visit his girlfriend on this very day.

Lucy and Levy pushed open the doors and ran into the main area of the guild hall, where Mira was busy baking all sorts of treats for the party.

"Where do we hide?!" Levy cried, looking around the guild hall.

Mira smiled. "Who are you two hiding from?"

"Two idiots," Lucy answered. "Got any ideas?"

Mira chuckled, placing a batch of cupcakes in the oven. "Behind the stairs, there is a small door. You co-"

Mira was cut off when Lucy exclaimed, "Thanks Mira!"

The two took off, running towards the stairs. They crouched, and looked around to find nothing but a blank brown wall.

Levy frowned. "There's nothing here."

Lucy slid her hand across the wall, and a small door appeared.

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