Chapter 24: Memories

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Hey everyone!

I recently checked, and the story hit two thousand views! Thank you all so much for reading this story.

I really appreciate everyone who takes the time to read the chapters and who give the story a chance.

With that said, let's continue on with this chapter.

~Gajeel's POV~

I glanced behind me and saw Erza standing there, a terrifying aura surrounding her as she stared at her beloved cake that was destroyed.

Natsu, Lucy, Gray and Juvia made a run for it. I grabbed Levy's hand and sprinted as fast as I could, dragging her behind me.

Even though I wasn't part of the reason that Erza's cake was destroyed, I had still chosen to follow and spy on the girls despite her telling us not to.

The scary part was that it wasn't just a normal cake. Nope. It was a strawberry cake. Erza's favorite.

I tried ignoring the thoughts clouding my head and started sprinting even faster.

We made our way to the resort, quickly gathering in the elevator.

As soon as we reached our floor, we sprinted into our room, slamming the door shut and locking it.

Gray, Natsu, and I took pieces of furniture from the room and stacked them up against the door.

Mira had turned into her satan soul and helped us, consistently screaming that no one could die until her shipments were complete.

We didn't stop her because she was making our chances of not dying a bit higher.

Lucy and Levy had curled up in a corner. They were hugging each other, and looked scared out of their minds. Can't say I blame them.

"I'm too young to die! I haven't even had my first kiss yet! Or my first chocolate and strawberry frosted cake!" Lucy muttered. She looked like she was under a trance.

Levy was pretty much in the exact same situation. Except she looked even more frightened than Lucy.

Happy flew around the room screaming things like, "We're all going to die!" Or "Hurry up, death is near!"

He really wasn't helping the situation.

Suddenly, there was a bang on the door. All the guys and Mira immediately pushed against the furniture that was stacked against the door.

"When I get inside, you all better be prepared to die," I heard a voice from behind the door say.


Honestly, I was really glad that she was on our side, because right now, she seemed equally as scary as Erza.

After a few more minutes of attempts to burst the door open, I heard Erza say, "Come on Wendy, let's go in our room for today."

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