Chapter 22: A Delicious Treat

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Hey everyone!

So, I don't read the Fairy Tail manga because I like watching the episodes and I guess I don't want them spoiled, but I've heard something about Nalu happening in the manga....?

If that's true, then I'll most likely read that part of the manga for that reason only. Unless it's close to being made into an episode.

Well either way, we have a story to continue!


~Erza's POV~

"So has Gray confessed yet?" Levy asked Juvia.

"Confessed what?" Juvia asked, confused.

"His feelings!" Levy responded.

"He likes someone?! LUCY I THOUGHT YOU WERE NO LONGER MY LOVE RIVAL!" Juvia yelled.

"IM NOT!" Lucy denied.

"Levy said he liked someone. Who. Does. He. Like?!" Juvia managed to say through gritted teeth.

Every other girl in the room slapped their forehead with their palm and shook their heads.

"W-What?" Juvia asked.

"HE LIKES YOU!" We yelled at her.


What are we going to do with her...

"How else can you explain his actions at the beach today?" I argued.

Juvia shrugged. "He's a gentleman?"

Everyone but Juvia burst out laughing. "G-Gentlemen? T-Tha-ts classic," Lucy managed to say between laughs.

When the laughter stopped, they looked up at Juvia to see that she wasn't laughing.

"Wait you're serious...?" Levy asked.

Juvia nodded.

"Juvia, which world have you been living in?" I shook my head.

"Earth-land," The water wizard answered, confused.

We all sighed. This girl.

"I need some ice cream," Mira stated.

"We didn't have dessert..." I nodded.

"I could go for some ice cream," Levy agreed.

"Great! Let's go get some, the guys are waiting in the main lobby!" Mira exclaimed.


"Yep, invited them over an hour ago. We're probably a few minutes late." Mira smiled innocently.

"Whatever, I just want some dessert." Lucy opened the door.

"I hope they have strawberries as a topping," I added.

We met the boys in the main lobby. When they saw us, they stood up from their chairs and walked over to us.

"You girls are like an hour late!" Natsu complained.

"Sorry, we were in the midst of a discussion," Mira explained.

"What was it about?" Gray asked.

Juvia hid behind me in embarrassment. Gray looked over at her with a puzzled look on his face.

"It was about you," Lucy informed him.

The ice wizard looked back at Lucy. "What about me?"

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