Chapter 11: Partners

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Hey everyone!

I have been having some issues with WattPad where whenever I search up my story, it doesn't show, and not only for me but for others as well. Its really weird.


Now that I've done my complaining for the day, let's continue the story.


~Natsu's POV~

I was laying down on my bed. It was the third night of our training camp, and apparently tomorrow would be the last day here.

I thought about the walk along the beach. Lucy looked so cute that day, although she had worn her normal clothes.

I can't believe I had said that.

"Just like you."

But judging by the fact that she was acting completely normal during breakfast today, I'm guessing she didn't hear it.

Thank Mavis.

I rolled over so I was laying on my back, and staring at the ceiling. I put my hands behind my head.

My head was filled with thoughts of Lucy for some reason... No. I had to focus. I knew Master was planning some sort of competition tomorrow, and I wasn't about to lose.

With that in mind, my eyes slowly closed, and I fell asleep.

~Gajeel's POV~

It was the fourth day of training camp. We were all sitting around the table eating breakfast when a hologram of Master showed up.

"Good Morning my children!" the old man said in a cheery voice. "Eat a good breakfast, and come on down by the beach for the explanation of today's events. Don't be late."

With that, the hologram disappeared.

I hoped that the events today would involve fighting someone because it had been forever since I got to give someone a good punch in the head.

After breakfast, we all ran down to the beach. The girls were already there. I spotted Levy, who was wearing her usual outfit, with her hair up in a ponytail.

I decided to annoy her a bit before Master started talking. I walked up behind her, and lifted her up so she was facing me.

"Good morning Shrimp!" I laughed.

"Put me down Gajeel!" she yelled.

I don't know why, but she always looked cute when she was angry. After a few minutes, I put her back on the ground.

"Thank you. Was that so hard?" she asked. I knew it was a rhetorical question, but I still answered.

"It wasn't hard, but it ruined my fun," I teased.

She rolled her eyes and turned around so she was facing the Master once more. I chuckled and walked over so I was standing beside her.

As if on cue, the Master turned so he was facing the group of wizards anxiously waiting. "It's good to see all you trouble-makers here. Now then, here's what will happen today. You will be pairing up, and randomly, each pair will fight another pair until there are only four pairs left. Those four pairs will compete. The last pair standing wins. Get it? Got it? Good."

The Master looked around.

"Additionally, your pairs have already been chosen. I will be listing them off. Also, exceeds will not be included in this. As well as, most trainers will not be taking part in this because it would be unfair. So the pairs are: Natsu and Lucy. Jellal and Erza. Gajeel and Levy. Gray and Juvia. Romeo and Wendy...."

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