Chapter 34: Ice Skating

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Hey everyone!

So this weekend has been kind of hectic. But, I wanted to get a chapter out as soon as I could so I hope you enjoy!

~Juvia's POV~

I stood in front of the rounded mirror that hung on my wall, staring at my reflection.

I wore a sky blue tank top, a jean jacket on top, and dark skinny jeans. My hair was down and curled, thanks to Mira.

My mind was blown as soon as Gray asked me to come skating with him. Until this trip, he didn't really pay attention to me, but I didn't mind.

As soon as he asked me, I thought I was going to faint. But I remembered Mira's advice and managed to stay awake and alert.

Just then, my thoughts were interrupted when I felt a hand on my shoulder. I looked up at the mirror, and saw Lucy standing behind me.

"He will love your outfit. Trust me," Lucy assured.

I previously thought of Lucy as my love rival, and sometimes I still do, but I will admit that she can be a good friend.

I turned around and gave her a small smile and a nod. "Thank you Love Riv- I mean Lucy."

Lucy laughed. "You're welcome Juvia."

The blonde sat down on my bed and motioned for me to sit next to her.

"Tell me what's wrong," Lucy said.

I sighed. "Juvia is nervous that Gray won't like Juvia, that he'll find someone better at the skating rink and leave Juvia."

"First of all, he can't find someone better than you Juvia. And second of all, even though Gray is a dense pervert, if he asked you to go to the rink with him, it means that he wants to spend time with you, not anyone else."

I realized that Lucy was right. Gray wouldn't have asked me to come with him if he didn't want to spend time with me.

"Thanks Lucy."

"No problem," Lucy said with a smile.

My eyes wandered around my room and landed on the clock that was on my bedside table, which read: 11:59 AM.

"Juvia has to go! Juvia doesn't want to make Gray wait," I said, jumping off of my bed.

Lucy glanced at the clock and jumped up as well. "Shoot! Okay, we have to hurry."

The two of us ran out the door and down the stairs, making our way to the front door.

I sat on the couch, anxiously awaiting Gray's arrival.

As if on cue, there was a knock on the door, and before I could even get there, Mira opened it.

I stood behind the door so I could see Gray and Mira but only Mira could see me.

"Hey Gray!" Mira exclaimed, a smirk on her face.

"Mira," Gray said, coldly.

"Well that isn't a very nice way to greet the best matchmaker in the world," Mira pouted.

"Sorry. Hey Mira!" Gray exclaimed sarcastically.

His expression went back to normal. "How was that?"

"Much better!" Mira smiled and clapped her hands together.

"Great, now where's Juvia?"

"Aw look who is impatient to meet his girlfriend," Mira cooed, pinching the ice wizards' cheek.

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