Chapter 13: Paradise Resort

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Heya everyone!

Alright so I had a day long self-debating session today, and I finally convinced myself on one decision.

So, I have decided that although they will no longer be at a training camp, I'm keeping the story title the same because it would be troublesome if I changed it.

Also, I realized that the story title doesn't matter more than the actual content that the story is made of. So I hope you're all cool with my decision.


With that said, let's get on with the story!


~Lucy's POV~

I looked around my bedroom one last time to make sure that I had everything packed. I then exited the room, allowing the door to shut behind me.

Everyone was already downstairs. Shoot! I was late. I ran down the stairs, carrying my bags and said, "Sorry I took so long!"

"It's not a problem, but we should really hurry down if we want to make it in time for the busses," Levy replied.

"Right, let's go."

With that we ran to the elevators. And once we landed at the main lobby, we rushed to where the busses where waiting.

"Oh, great you're here. I was starting to get worried," Natsu walked up to us.

"Ah.. Yeah, sorry," I muttered.

Was it only me or was Mira snickering? I swear if she was planning something....

As if on cue, Master started talking, "Alright ya noisy kids, listen up! The seating will be the same as it was when we came here. The resort is about two hours away. Once we get there, an employee will show you to your rooms. You best behave on the way there."

Everyone started talking at once. Most of them were complaining about the long ride as we entered the bus. I sat next to Levy, Erza and Wendy. So you can guess who sat behind us.


An hour had passed by. Only one hour to go.... Even with that in mind, everyone was really bored, so Natsu suggested that we play a game.

"Alright, let's see...." Mira looked like an evil witch from a movie while saying that.

"Two truths and one lie," I blurted out.

"Works for me," Levy nodded.

"Fine. That game it is then," Mira pouted then slumped back into her seat.

"I'll go first!" Wendy volunteered.

"Go ahead," Erza said.

"Alright... Hmm.. Okay so here they are: When I was younger, I met an older boy who helped me when I was lost, I don't like pies, and," she paused for a minute and then continued, "I never knew my parents."

"Is that you don't like pies?" I guessed.

"Yeah! I actually like them quite a bit," she exclaimed.

"Alright then it's your turn Luce, since you guessed correctly," Natsu said to me.

"Sounds fair. Let's see... Okay here they are: I got some of my zodiac keys from my mom, when I was young, I always dreamed of being a Fairy Tail wizard, and I haven't had my first crush yet," I said.

"Is it that you haven't had your first crush yet?" Levy guessed, smirking at me.

How'd she know... I blushed and looked away and then replied with a nod.

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