2 ● Not A Fish ●

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Thumping noise of quick steps disturbed the serenity of the green forest. Birds made themselves scarce at the flash of white fur coursing through the bushes.

The creature raised his snout slightly into the air, sniffing out his target. "Almost there." He whispered.

He quickened his pace, knowing that if he took too long, he would be dragged back inside without gaining anything from this short freedom. The wind blew gently against the creature's face, making him sneeze slightly when he caught scent of particularly strong flower. The evening sun was just warm enough to not to make him sweat his fur out, but that wasn't the most important thing in that. It was a perfect weather to catch some fish.

The smell of the lake was close and with the usual final spurt, he leapt over a small bush and landed to the shore, careful of avoiding the water and warning the fish of his presence. Now that he was this close, he could smell the faint smell of the fish living here. Salmon.

The thought of eating one of those delicious fat fish made the creature drool profusely as his tongue hung out slightly. A bad habit he did when he was deep in his dreams.

A splash from the other side of the lake woke him up. He violently shook his head, making the drool on his chin to fly around, and finally set his mind to his mission.

The white creature silently approached a rock in the water and positioning himself to its ledge carefully. The slime on top of it made it a bit dangerous place to fish, but for his small body, it was the place he had the best chance of catching anything.

He stood there quietly, eyes keenly watching every possible movement under the surface of the clear blue water. So concentrated he was to his task, that he lost his sense of time completely. To him it felt like minutes, but in truth he had stood there, on that exact same spot, for an full hour and was no where near giving up.

He really loved fishes.

Although if he wouldn't soon catch anything and return, Hugo would come and drag him back and that was never pretty.

The wind blew gently and with a slight swift in the atmosphere, it turned. The change went unnoticed by the concentrated cup on the lake, but every other animal weren't as oblivious. The forest around the lake fell silent. The atmosphere got slightly heavy and not even a single animal made a single move to take a flight. Out of fright or something else? No one knows.

The stillness was disturbed when the creature perked up. There was a form in the water. It had suddenly appeared there and the curious creature didn't know what it was, but thought it could be a new fish species.

His muscles tensed as the fish slowly came closer to the surface and to his luck, closer to him. His red eyes glinted with excitement just before he sprung to the water, his jaws opened wide.

*SPLASH* the atmosphere was broken along with the steady surface of the water and every animal ran away in fright. Startled by the sudden noise.

He surfaced with more splashing noises, holding onto his pray. He wasn't far from the shore, but the weight of his catch was unnatural. A thought of how he would be able to bring it back home if it was this heavy on the water came to his mind. Well, he'd handle it somehow.

When he got his first touch to the ground and started pulling the catch on the shore so it wouldn't escape, he noticed some other odd things in it. It's skin didn't have any scales. It was smooth. The taste of its blood was also different, this seemed to have more iron in it.

With a final huff, he pulled the rest of his pray out of the water. He let out an exhausted laugh. He did it! He finally caught a big fish!

He calmed down after a moment and turned to take a good look of his catch, only to freeze where he stood. With a shocked expression, he looked at the thing in front of him. Oh no...

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