5 ● Old Man ●

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On the picure is somone that joined our family a week ago. He's now eight weeks old and goes by the name Kossu. ♥

To put it nicely, I feel like c*ap. I was barely conscious when I came to it and my body felt heavy once again. You'd think I would get used to the feeling already, but I still hate the feeling of being restricted too much.

I feel disorientated. I have no recollection of what happened to me. I remember talking with Luca, the pond and then nothing.

"Lumi? Can you hear me?" The voice came near me. It was raspy, old and belonged to a man, but I couldn't open my eyes to see his face. I tried to give him any kind of sign I had heard him, but nothing happened. Nevertheless, he continued speaking.

"If you can hear me, then listen well. What I'm about to do, may hurt you to an extent, but it will save you from the poisoning."

Poisoning? When was I poisoned? What was he about to do?

There was slight noises of shuffling of clothes then something was placed on top of my forehead. It felt a bit cold and... was it a leaf?!

Someone placed a hand on top of the leaf, probably the same man who had talked to me just a moment ago. "Bear with me child." He said silently, then everything exploded.

There was a huge rush of energy that blew up in my body. I could feel every part of me, my skin, my intestines, tissue, cells, everything light up to the brim with this energy that was so suddenly released. I swear that if I could have opened my eyes they would have shined white.

Soon the wildly coursing energy was too much for me and I lost consciousness for the fourth time.


I groggily opened my eyes and the first thing I saw was dark eyes that were surrounded by several wrinkles. Few. Inches. From. My. Face.

"Aaaargh!!" The man watched in amusement as I climbed halfway up to the ceiling.

"I see you're awake now." He said calmly, while holding his arms behind his back like he usually does. I know this man, but I didn't know he had a habit of scaring people to death in a... I now look around to notice my surroundings, ...a hospital?

I return to look at the old man who had been looking at me the whole time. I carefully release my hold from the wall and couldn't help but notice small dents of the shape of my small hand that were left.

"Where am I?" It's never bad to make sure.

"In a hospital in Konoha. Do you know the reason why you're here?" I shake my head. He brought his hand in front of his mouth and tried to suck a breath, but noticed he didn't have his pipe in his hands currently and returned his arm behind his back.

"You were poisoned by the cub. Quite a strong poison in that little fellow. It nearly kills even a member of Kuma clan who are immune to their poison." I recall now someone talking to me about poisoning and then that... light.

"What happened?" Vague question in a way, but he seemed to understand what I was getting at.

"The bears brought you here to get the antidote we had in our safe, but the poison was too powerful to be nullified only with the medicine so I needed to do what I was asked to do a long time ago."

Head tilt. "And what is that?"

"To wake up the sleeping power in you. I see, the marks have already appeared." Before I can even ask anything, he produces a mirror from some pocket in his clothes.

I take it slowly and the moment I saw my face I was quite surprised. Under my right eyes was now three different sized balls that went vertically. They were different sized, the biggest one was closest to my eye and the smallest was the farthest.

The Descendant of Akata (Naruto fanfiction)Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora