39 ● Rescue ●

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We were hunting rabbits today and Kossu chased one for the first time in his life! We didn't get one, but at least the dog got to practice. :) it also seems that we're going to have white Christmas like every year so far! ♡

The chapter may be a tad confusing, but it's because Lumi's a bit disorientated right now, but everyhting will get clearer in the next chapter.


Lumi's pov.


All I could see was different variation of colors, that blurred together into a big mess in my eyes. Red, orange, yellow, white, brown... and more red.

I watch as those colors move at rapid pace, making me wonder what was happening. First, I feel immense rage, then... everything becomes a blur.

My arm starts to sting and a mild burning sensation seems to spread in my arm. I want to shake my hand so the burning would go away, but I don't know if the command got to my arm. It was like I wasn't in charge of my body anymore.

I shiver. Why am I feeling so cold?

I mentally flinch when I feel something penetrating my side. Why can't I move?!

Did the snake drug me at some point?

But I hadn't noticed anything! Shouldn't I at least feel a sting before my sense takes a vacation?


My head hits something harshly, making me feel light headed in my already confused state of mind. I blink, once, twice and my sight slowly clears. The smudged moving figure's face starts to resemble a face once more, but it's not what I expected.

It's Kabuto, but not as I saw him just before everything became fuzzy. He's dirty. There's soot all over him, mixed with blood. I see as one red droplet trickles down his temple, making me wonder in my dazed state what happened while I was out of it. Did someone attack them? Did my rescue come already?

I lay still, unable to move and do nothing but watch as Kabuto heals one nasty wound on his leg. My gaze sharpens to the slowly healing wound. No. Wounds. There were four wounds going across his shin vertically. They looked like... claw marks? Did some animal attack him?

Kabuto carefully gets up once the leg is in the condition to be used, supporting his hand to his side. The hand seems odd as he walks. Did he put some gloves on? I see how Kabuto's face is strained with immense pain as he moves closer to something in front of me. No, it's not a glove. It's too uneven and unnatural looking to be one. It's skin. Black skin.

A smell that I recognize from the chūnin exams makes me nauseous. His hand... it's burnt. What could have done something so... *gag*

I swallow, trying to hold it in. I barely manage it and I looked what Kabuto was deeming more important currently than healing his arm. Kabuto knelt down next to something, and as carefully as possible, threw an arm over his shoulder... arm?

I watched in shock as Kabuto supported Orochimaru's body, that seemed to have gone through a gutter and dived into a volcano right after that. By some miracle, however, he was still alive.

I could hear nothing but ringing in my ears as he exchanged few words with Kabuto and with the last glance given to me, they disappeared. Even in that more than half dead state of his, he had smirked.

I shiver, feeling something weighing on me. I try to raise my head to see what's on top of me, but my head won't even budge. It feels heavy. Is something on my head too?

I look up, well, to my side from this position, and my eyes were greeted with the sky. Where had the roof gone to? I move my gaze to see what is left of the roof and see the melted edges of the metal and soot covered ground above it.

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