15 ● Anger ●

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Lumi's pov.

It's been few days now and the fight is coming near. Tomorrow, to be exact. Naruto's been training non stop and I have had to force him to eat properly with the threats of throwing him to the lake so the monster in there could eat him up.

So far it has worked every time. Although, I did have to throw him there once, but after that he obeyed me with no side remarks.

The safe house, like I like to call it, is prospering. There's now 38 kids and nine adults taking care of them and the house. Everyone of them are getting healthier and happier day by day, but there is still the threat of Gato that doesn't let them be free.

Tsunami's a wonderful worker and no one complains about the salary. They seem glad enough to have what I could offer them.

Inari has been helpful too. He has even made few friends with the children and plays with them a lot. Although sometimes when he's helping me, I've had to try his forehead in case he's getting ill, but even though he's cheeks do get redder when I try his forehead, it never feels hot. I've told about this to Tsunami, but she told me not to worry about it.

It still worries me a bit. The kid will need his strength soon.

Even Kakashi came to look at the safe house. He didn't say much and just observed how things were done. Taru somehow managed to get Kakashi feed one little girl who still needed some help with using the cutlery.

It was fun to watch and in the end we had to clean almost the whole dining room. In the evening when he left he briefly patted my head. I guess it was his way of complementing me of founding this place. I guess...

I've also continued the training Kakashi assigned for me. It's getting a lot easier and I get less and less headaches after doing it.

Now we were going to look for Naru with Kakashi and Sakura, because he had once again slept in the woods.

"What's Naruto doing? Sasuke-kun hasn't returned after he said he was going for a walk, either." Sakura said.

Sakura doesn't seem to have noticed it, but I think Kakashi knows that as a matter of fact, Sasuke used that as an excuse to go to look for Naruto who, by the way, was up in the tree just few steps away from us.

Naruto threw the kunai Kakashi had given him in front of us, making Sakura and Kakashi take a step back.

I looked at Naruto's direction, he was all dirty and bruised up, but had a happy smile on his face as he laughed.

"No way. Naruto's able to climb that high already? Amazing..." Sakura said awestruck.

"How do you like that? I can climb this high now." He shouted and stood up. Almost immediately he 'lost' his balance and started falling. This made Kakashi panic a little and Sakura let out a frightened shout. But as soon as the falling started it stopped when Naruto used his chakra to attach himself to the branch upside-down.

"You fell for it!" Naruto said laughing loudly. This, of course, pissed Sakura off. "You scared me!"

Not long after that his chakra flowing got disturbed and he started falling once again, causing Sakura to yell at him again. "Naruto, you idiot! That's what happens when you get so cocky!" I have to say, both Kakashi and Sakura's faces are hilarious right now.

"Aaaaaah...!" Naruto's scream was stopped as fast as his falling when Sasuke grabbed his ankle and used chakra to stick to the same brach Naruto had been hanging on just a second ago.

"Way to go, Sasuke-kun! You amaze me!" No need in telling who that was.

I raised some earth towards Naruto. "Naruto, hop on!"

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