26 ● Learning ●

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Now that few things have been revealed, let's make some new questions arise. ;)

Human has a natural need for power, for power is something that thrives people forward and grants them courage to fulfill their dreams and allowing them to protect their loved ones.

Often people become lost on their journey in search for such power. Some lose their courage to continue on. Some are not satisfied with the power they found and continue on searching more and more until they forget what for they even wanted that power.

Under this flaming need, justice is often forgotten. Actions after this are no longer done in the shadow of courage, nor good will, but greed.

All this happens, because people after generations and generations, keep on ignoring the whisper of wisdom, that keeps on echoing in the back of our heads:

"Power is something that already resides in us and to make it grow stronger, the best boost is the one closest to your heart."

Lumi's pov.

"How did you succeed on blowing a steel floor?" Riku asked as I was trying to concentrate on the ground.

"I just did a test with this ghost and then suddenly there was an explosion. I don't know how that happened." I try to explain. For some reason, Lydy wanted me to keep her name as a secret, so I did that. It was not my business to put my nose in. I was actually a bit worried about Lydy. She had disappeared in the sudden explosion and I haven't seen her since then.

Taru, however, after checking I had no injuries, was jumping at me. She had been livid about the floor and made everyone of us fix it immediately. Jiraiya had been the one that had been most amused by the accident, but he hid it well after Riku made the mistake of smiling and received a cuff on his ear from Taru.

Yesterday sure had been interesting and full of surprises... I find out I have living relatives and that my sensei was one of them! They didn't explain anything to me in detail, just said that Kakashi's memories had been sealed away, but the reason for that has been left into darkness. Bummer.

I also find out that the eyes I got can see ghosts and do some other stuff that may kill me... I'm actually more eager to test it again now. *smirk*

"The ghost must've been a Kuma. Did it tell its name to you?" Why is he so sure it was a Kuma? He is correct, yes, but how could he be so sure?

"You know, I can't concentrate if you keep on distracting me." I say, momentarily giving up on sensing the vibrations on the ground, and glaring pointlessly at the blind man.

"In a fight there will always be distractions. You just need to learn to cope with them." He said simply and continued on walking circles around me, trying to make it a bit easier for me to sense him.

I scrunch my eyes closed and try to concentrate on earth. I sit there for hours before letting out a groan of frusration. "I don't know how to do it!"

"You are not going to learn it in a day, pipsqueak. This is advanced stage of Earth Manipulation, it'll take more time."

"But will I learn it before the month is over?" I want to be prepared when I have to face Kiruto, the Sand nin I am supposed to fight against in the Third Exam.

"Depends. if we continue like this, you may learn it just in time, but then you don't have time to learn about your other abilities."

"Then what am I gonna do? I want to learn everything possible before the exam!" Riku smirked at this.

"Well, I have an idea."

Fifteen Seconds Later

"This is your idea. Make me walk around the the village, blindfolded, for the whole month?!"

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