30 ● Shouting... A Lot Of Shouting ●

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Finally I got to write this! Something always seemed to get into my way. I hope you like the chapter!

Third person's pov.

"Whenever I'm with the Perverted Hermit, it always turns out like this." Naruto whined as he molded his chakra on the bed. Lumi lie next to him on her stomach, gathering nature energy meanwhile listening Naruto's constant grumbling that had started the moment Jiraiya had ditched the two of them.

"If I looked right, you would have liked to join him in woman hunting, Naru. Didn't know you had such a perverted side in you." Lumi said with a smirk. Both Jiraiya and Naruto had blushed and drooled after the bate woman had posed and winked at them.

Naruto blushed at her words and started explaining frantically, flailing his arms around wildly. "I'm not a pervert! She had just eaten ramen and the smell made me hungry!" Lumi raised an eyebrow at the boy's words, not knowing whether to believe him or not. Did he have that big of a obsession towards ramen that he could smell it instanly even large distances away? Nah... who cares.

"Okay then, it's your business. And speaking of your business, you better sleep on your own side of the bed tonight!" Lumi warned with a slight growl. Jiraiya had been stingy and refused to pay for two separate rooms, so he made Lumi and Naruto share the bed while he slept in the other one. It was okay to them, it wasn't the first time. Naruto had slept at her house few times and they had shared the bed because he had been too sleepy to go to the quest room. Or so he says. Lumi thinks that he just doesn't want to be alone. However, always, in the morning or night, Lumi had been awakened by either Naruto's foot hitting her to her head or because of the lack of oxygen when the blonde had decided that either the mattress was too hard and Lumi was a perfect one or she could be used as a good pillow.

Lumi had sworn that she would bite the boy if something like that happened again.

Naruto sweatdropped and laughed sheepishly, but nodded, remembering how the girl had tortured him in a highly heated room after a kick that had made Lumi's nose bleed. It had felt like his skin was being burnt off. The memory made him shiver as he resumed his 'training'.

Lumi was content with the answer Naruto gave her. She would gladly push Naruto back to sauna and give a bit heat treatment for him if she would end up hurt again after sleeping next to him, but she doubted the land lord nor the town they were in even had sauna here. So far the only one ahe had seen was the one behind the Kuma main building.

Lumi's thoughts trailed to several things while Naruto tried to concentrate on his training. Key word being "tried". When Naruto grumbled for what seemed like a hundredth time, Lumi desided to get some answers to things that had been bothering her for a while.

She reached her hand to the back pack next to the bed and after fumbling with its contents, she pulled out a leather covered book that held the yin yang symbol with two bear paws, the Book.

Lumi probbed her back against the wall so she could sit comfortably while trying to converse with the mysterious book. She hoped it was in a good mood today.

Slowly she opened the cover and like usual, she was met with blank pages before she planted her palm to the empty pages. Carefully, she directed her energy to the book, strengthening the bond between her and it, so they could communicate through the invisible bond.

It's been a while, Lumi. A voice greeted her. Lumi hadn't talked to the Book after the mission in the Land of the Waves and now she finally had the time to probe into things that had bothered her.

'Hello to you too, Book. How have you been?'

Just dandy. Reading about your activities every day is amusing.

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