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I got tagged twice in a short duration of time so decided to finally try this. And what wouldn't be more perfect than over six hours long bus ride to do it?

So... facts about myself...

1. I'm a female from Finland, turning twenty on 6th of January (2017)

2. I'm 177 cm long and have a 15 year old sister that is 183 cm long. That wasn't the fact, just side information. This is the fact: she's a good partner in amateur wrestling. (Parents complain always when the walls start shaking. xD)

3. I read A LOT, but recently I've gotten so into doing arts and writing that I can barely keep my attention to the books I'm reading.

4. I'm a perfectionist. That could be the reason I did a dual qualification. (Meaning: I read to be a practical nurse and did part of high school)

5. I did track and field sports when I was younger and while doing that, I noticed I'm fast at picking up the techniques. (Fast learner in some other fields too, but not with cars. I can change the tires, check the oils of the car and drive in Finnish winter, but that's all.)

6. I've driven an ambulance.

7. I have been in TV.

8. I have crazy close relationship with my mother and sister. (Crazy women, all of them. Even me.)

9. We're all somewhat... unique: fact: me and my sister made a bet that the one that lives longer, has to dress up into a catwoman outfit at the other's funeral (but only if the death has happened at old age.) (Don't take this the wrong way. It's how we two want it and it's our own decision. Respect it.)

And 10. I'm an entrepreneur.

That's it. Hope you found that even moderately interesting. About the next chapter: it's coming along well and surprisingly fast. If this continues, it's done before I even know it. xD

I'm going to tag
Icystormwolf (my sister. She has a book where she has few captions of our normal life. And some other stories. :D)

Have a good night/day/evening or such! It's 3 a.m. here right now. xD

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