25 ● Strong Blood ●

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These two chapters have been so far the hardest ones to write, because, for example, I had to make Kakashi slip slightly from his character in this chapter, but that should be understandable in the next few minutes. I hope you like this.

P.S. Dont think I have revealed every secret of this story yet ;)

Third person's pov.

Slowly, Kakashi opened his eyes. The rush of memories had been too much for his brains, so handling them had to happen while unconsious. But dealing with the emotional load was left for him to deal with when awake.

All those feelings, accompanied with so many memories. Exhilaration, happiness, sorrow, regret, anger... and love. He had so many people he had loved dearly and when he was walking the streets of Konoha, without any of his memories, his family had been murdered brutally.

Kakashi clenched his fists close. Regret and anger trying to surface in him. "I should have been there."

Riku sighed. He knew he would start with this. "You were only thirteen at the time. You would have died with all of them. Besides, everything that has happened so far has a purpose." Riku didn't want to have this conversation, but for Kakashi's sake he had to.

"So even letting Daichi be murdered had a purpose." Kakashi said bitterly, remembering the cheerful blonde that had been like an older brother to him.

"My little brother..." Riku started, but was interrupted by his friends wavering voice.

"What about Ushio? Was she also a necessary sacrifice? She was only eleven then and she was brutally murdered with your little brother, my team mate..." Kakashi stopped speaking when he gritted his teeth together and got into a sitting position.

"If great granmother would have loved us she would have stop-" *punch*

Kakashi didn't flinch, but he felt bad at his words even before Riku started speaking. "You know better than anyone that grandma loved everyone more than her own life! It was a miracle that she died out of old age and not by sacrificing her life for her family." There was a short silence as Riku tried to gather his emotions back together. This conversation was going to play hell with their emotions.

"I don't know about you, but I can still remember how she was when I left the mountain with Filia. She was in pain! Back then, I was confused by it, but whe I got the news of Kumas being murdered, it finally clicked. She wasn't in pain because of her weak condition, but she knew something terrible would happen and she couldn't bear the thought of her loved ones dying. During her last years of life, I remember her doing some preparations... all alone, and I have no doubts she did some preparations for the future that even I don't know about. She also was our sensei. Don't you have any respect towards her?"

"I do!" Kakashi exclaimed. He didn't currently feel like himself, because of the swirling emotions, but as he remembered things, he splurted things out of his mouth on the wing of those memories. It was like he was reduced back to that bitter teenager. "I do." He whispered one more time. He respected his grandmother more than anyone. She was the one who helped him when his life had been at turmoil. Riku could practically feel Kakashi's state of mind so he didn't put any more pressure on him and sat down behind him, leaning his back against the younger male.

The silence between the men had descended. Riku knew Kakashi needed some time to sort out everything, so he let him. When he felt Kakashi finally relax, he spoke.

"Do you remember that time when we broke into the armory with Daichi?"

Kakashi chuckled. "Yes. I was four back then." Daichi had been only six, but his ability was the one that had gotten them into the armory. The giant metal box in Lumen Mountain.

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