41 ● Pain In The Arse ●

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It's January the 6th in 2017 and I turned 20 today! Wohoo!

Third person's pov.

A nurse was walking on the isle, heading to fulfill her duty with gritted teeth. The middle aged woman had been working over twenty years in this profession and had always loved it, but some patients made her seriously rethink her choise of career. Especially the patient behind the door 205.

She stopped before the door to take a deep breath to calm her down, but when she heard a crash come form the room all the calm she had managed to gather, flew out the window.

She quickly slammed the door open, dreading what would wait her in the room. A deep scowl made it to her face when she saw a slim tendril of earth coming from the wall, trying to open the leather restraints the new Hokage-sama had assigned to the patient and several clay shards on the dround.

The small girl had frozen in the middle of her actions, her mouth forming a small o.

"Ummmmm.... That vase was already broken when I got here."

The nurse took a deep breath, desperately trying to collect what is left of her patience.

"Young lady. Hokage-sama has ordered you to stay in bed."

"More like threatened." Lumi murmured, interrupting the woman and earning a scowl from her.

"And for a reason. You are still too weak to go trashing around. It could seriously damage your body and chakra network, that is currently slowly healing from the resent events you have had to suffer through." At the mention of her system, Lumi's face goes stone. She doesn't want to be reminded of the events, so she concentrated to the fact that the nurse had called her inner system a chakra network, even though she didn't possess even an ounce of it. She didn't know why, but barely anyone in the hospital knew of her nature energy.

In her opinion it was odd. It has been just thirteen years when they had a whole clan of nature energy users here, so why barely anyone knew of it?

She had been wondering about this already for a while, but once again her speculations had to be left midway when the nurse made her a question.

"Did I speak myself clearly enough?" Lumi had no idea what she had talked about after her spacing out, but she wasn't about to listen the rant again.

"Yeah. When is food coming? I'm hungry." The nurse growled something incoherrent and left, earning a smirk from the albino girl. Oh how she enjoyed annoying the hospital staff!

It was time for dinner and the nurse soon returned to the room with a platter. She placed it to the table next to her with a clatter and stomped back to the door, making Lumi look between the nurse and her food frantically.

"How am I going to eat that my hands tied up?!"

"That's for you to solve, dear." Lumi would've found this amusing if she wasn't seriously hungry again. She had already burnt all of the ramen away and needed nutrients to her body badly.

"You can't do that! Nurses are supposed to help sick people! Not leave them to starve!"

"Madame, I can feed her." A quiet voice said from the doorway, making Lumi and the nurse to look at that way. Lumi was surprised to see Sakura standing there.

The nurse only huffed and left, but not before smiling at Sakura. To Lumi, this was an obvious sign that the nurse is like this only with her. He hee! And she understood why.

"Sakuraa! How are you?!" She yelled excitedly and would've gone and hugged her if these damn binds weren't stopping her. Why all people suddenly thought that she was into bondage?

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