4 ● Hell's Spawn? ●

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Hugo ^^

I stand there, trying to keep breathing and heart beating as I stare into those black eyes. I feel my heart jumping painfully and my arm... Wait! Is it..? Yes it is! The pain is radiating to my left arm!

Heart attack! I'm having an heart attack! Quick! Call 91-!

"Are you going to just stand and stare there or do you intend to speak during this century?" My inner panicking is interrupted by the giant's grumble. I look at him up and down, even sideways, but he still looks humongous. A bear shouldn't be that big!

"Well?" The bear sounds pissed. Hugo, was it?

"Hejssan! Jag talar inte engelska. Äta mig inte!" I beg, trying to pretend I couldn't understand what he said.

Everyone were silent and looked at me  bit weirdly. "What was that?" Luca asked. Yeah, guess they have never heard that.

"Swedish." Luca tilted his head cutely. "Why?" Why did I speak it?

"I thought it would make him run away. It sure always works on me..." I murmur. If I hated something more in the school than bullying, it was those Swedish lessons that were forced down on every student. Even the thought of those lessons made me want to flee the school.

No one reacted for a while, maybe they didn't know how to react, but Bigfoot's huff made me nearly jump out of my skin. He walked past me and sat down near the fire place.

"I think you're right Taru with your assumption." What? "We'll leave tomorrow morning." Could someone explain please?!

"What are you talking about?" Hugo turns to look at me, but this time his eyes doesn't look so intimidating, so cold and I can relax a bit.

"We leave to Konoha tomorrow. You are coming with us." Konoha?!

"Is Konoha close to this place?" Really?! I could see the village I've seen millions of times and finally be actually sure this isn't just some hallucination.

"Couple hour journey only. I'll go and send a message to Hokage."

Hugo nodded and Taru left the room again. A message, huh?

"Who are you... bears?" Can't say people can I?

"Well, I'm Luca, this is Hugo and the one who left is Ta-"

"I know your names! I'm meant to ask that who are you exactly? I know all kinds of things from this world but I've never heard of you three." I may have snapped at Luca a little, but he didn't seem to react to it so I didn't feel that bad.

"You may not know us, but our clan is very famous. There is no way you haven't heard of Kuma clan!" Kuma? Doesn't that mean bear?

I shook my head. "I've never heard of it." Luca's jaw dropped in disbelief and I could see Hugo studying me carefully. What I said was true. I had never heard of a clan named Kuma in Naruto series.

"Girl." My attention was taken by Hugo. "Tell me about yourself." A bit odd question but okay.

"Well, my name's Lumi Karhu, but to this language it could be translated to Yuki Kuma..." Now that I think about it, I'm not even speaking my mother tongue now... but I spoke Swedish when I decided to. Guess I can switch between languages now and the jump to this world gave me another vocabulary for a different language... Cool!

"You only need to translate your last name. Your given name was correct." Eh? What does he mean by that?

He probably saw my confusion because he continued speaking. "According to what I've heard you speaking and telling and by your looks, you are the heiress of Kuma clan."

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