40 ● Sauce And Meatloaf ●

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Almost 30K reads... 0_0 and it was just 14K in the 36th chapter! Thank you everyone! Your votes and comments mean a lot to me and inspire me to write even more! I'm currently feeling this huge urge to write these three other books that I have planned and are linked to this book! Urgh! I blame you guys! xD

Third person's pov.

A group of five traveled as fast as they could through the woods of the fire country, but with two of them being in bad condition, the journey was slower than they would have liked. It was good that those wounded were small in stature and light to carry, but the thing that made it harder to bear, was that they were both just kids.

Kakashi carried Lumi on his back, he would have carried her in his arms so she would be closer, but the traveling was easier this way and if enemy attacked, he was more free to protect the young teen.

Riku, who had been abnormally silent through the whole day after leaving the enemy base, was carrying the black haired eight year old in his arms. It would have been safer to carry her the same as Lumi, but what made that currently impossible, was that she had no shin, just a bloody stump covered with a cloth just under the child's knee.

Both children were unconscious... and had been the whole day.

"Time for an hour break." Yami suddenly announced, making the whole group stop and land to the ground. They had been traveling nonstop, because both kids needed to get to a hospital as fast as possible. However, even if their stamina was good, they couldn't run a two days straight. They were only humans after all.

Yami pulled a cape out of his bag and placed it to the ground and Riku placed Kiera on top of the cloak. Kakashi did the same to Lumi, letting her rest while Yami changed the cloth covering Kiera's leg.

It was extremely risky to travel for two days with an open wound like that. Kakashi believed it was less than fifteen percent chance of the girl surviving, but her odds would have probably been much worse if they would've tried to save her leg.

The burn marks on the childs body weren't too lethal, but certainly didn't make her situation any easier. Lumi was in much better condition... technically speaking. She had several new scars Kakashi didn't remember her having, but he was more concerned of the wound on her side. It was large, it was deep... and it wasn't healing.

Kakashi knew how Lumi's physical wounds healed much quicker than normal people's, but as he checked the wound once more, it was still the same as it had been when they had left the snake's lair.

Kakashi suddenly heard whimpering emanating from the child he had never seen before this day, and turned to watch if she had woken up. It was not the case, but she whimpered because of the liquid Yami kept pouring over the bloody wound.

Kakashi's sensitive nose picked up the smell of the liquid and he immediately recognised it. He couldn't help but hum in amusement as he thought of few people who were fans of that liquid.

"Tsunade and Jiraiya will have an heart attack when they hear you spent a bottle of Spirit to a wound rather than disinfection."

Event though Yami had been stone faced during the whole journey, his lips curved up slightly at Kakashi's comment, seeing the faces of his cousins.

"The disinfect isn't as effective as Spirit is. Heida always used spirit to the wounds we got when we were kids. Besides, Elilas taught me how to make it, so I can make a new batch when we get back to Konoha." Kakashi shook his head at the thought. Jiraiya and Tsunade weren't going to be sober until the whole batch would be destroyed... or hidden.

"Could you then do the same to Lumi? Her wound isn't healing for some reason."

Yami nodded and soon finished with Kiera's leg. Kakashi took away the bloody bandage, revealing a ragged wound going across Lumi's side. The metal that had pierced it, hadn't certainly made it cleanly.

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