16 ● Aqva ●

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Do you readers know what kind of confidence and energy boost a simple thing like a vote or a comment can be? Because of all of you I can happily pour my everything to these chapters and keep on doing so until I collapse XD

By the way, there is no writing mistake in the headline. Just saying. :)

Lumi's pov.

Pain... it hurts. I feel like my guts are going to come out... which may be possible considering how harsh Zabuza was with that kunai of his.

It didn't ease the pain when I hit the water either. It hurt so bad it made me feel numb at times... I think I may have blacked out a few times too.

I went down to the bottom of the water like a rock and the pressure made me feel like my skull was going to be split in half. I could also feel powerful chakra, full of hatred, leak rapidly into the air and water around the bridge.


Ugh... I need to help them... I need to help...


My vision was darkening from the edges and I could see less and less with every passing second.

In the darkness of the water, I could see a glint of silver. At first, I thought I had started to hallucinate things because of the lack of oxygen but no, the glint was quickly coming closer.

I slowly blinked, struggling to open my eyes again, miraculously succeeding in it. If I would have had any oxygen in my lungs I would have screamed when I could somewhat see again...

There was a thing with long nose and dark eyes, staring at me. It's nose was only a centimeter away from mine and I feared this to be the monster I once heard about from Tazuna. The one that had almost killed several people... and now it was staring straight at me with it's small eyes, its skin glinting with silver in the small light that reached the bottom of the water.

~Do you wanna play?~ A voice asked playfully.

Where did that come from?!

~Do you wanna play?~ Was it talking in my head? But... who did it belong to?!

Say yes, my dear.


~Do you wanna play?!~ The voice was now impatient.

I was confused and I felt like my brains were getting all mushy. My consciousness started to rapidly fade.

Say yes!!

"I... I wanna... play" I whispered with the last of my breath, making small air bubbles float from my mouth. My eyes started to close in again making me afraid that they were never going to open up again. That is when I felt a gentle touch on my chest.

The surge of energy that came with the touch, was like an electric shock that made my whole body tremble. It was powerful, delightful and... painful. I had no air in my lungs to scream, but my body stiffened, trying to rebel against the pain, but in vain. The feeling was exactly like when Hiruzen did something to me in the hospital.

I felt like someone was peeling my skin off. Piece by piece and it didnt take long until my brains shut down.

I don't know how long it took for me to regain my consciousness fully, but as soon as I did I flashed my eyes open.

I was still in the water... breathing. With no monster in sight, only... water.

~You should surface soon... or you're going to drown.~ There was that voice again!

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