29 ● Mother ●

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Lumi's pov.

A groan escapes my lips when I open my eyes. I feel like a ragdoll who has been thrown through a shredder. There is no pain... much, but I feel like my limbs are currently separate beings that have been ripped from my body and cannot be controlled. It's a wonder my hands didn't strangle me while I was asleep.


I try to feel if I'm still wounded, but feel nothing but exhaustion and this dull ache in my chest that still lingers. Wonder why it appeared. I hope my heart is healthy. You cannot be a ninja while sick at heart.

"Finally! You know you can sleep quite a lot even for a kid." A voice said in exaggeration. I turn my head slightly and see a white haired female sitting on the chair next to my... hospital bed? Great. Back here again, I see.

"How long did I sleep?" I croak and regret it immediately. When I spoke, it felt like my throat was getting ripped apart.

"You slept for a whole week and missed the funerals of that Hiruzen boy." I had missed the funerals?! I feel distinctively my eyes get teary. I couldn't save him... I couldn't help anyone once more...

"When were they?" I ask, trying to ignore the pain. It seems that a week without speaking and drinking is enough to make your throat as dry as a desert.

"Two days ago." I close my eyes. I didn't get to say goodbye to him. I thought that maybe I could save him, but once again...

"I'm useless." I whisper. Saying it out loud makes it painfully true. I'm still too weak to protect anyone. Look at me! I can't even protect myself!

There is silence for a while, which is partly surprising: Lydy seems to rarely close her mouth for longer than five seconds. Because of this, I am not surprised when she is the one breaking the silence first, but her words do surprise me.

"You were quite good out there... in the fight. Many would have died without you." It seems she has gone nuts while being ghost: she talks things that make no sense.

"I saved no one. I fought few enemy ninja, then I'm suddenly in pain and the next thing I know, I wake up in a hospital." I say bitterly. I hate this feeling of uselessness.

"Had you not given most of your energy to Aka, many would have died. You did nothing yourself, but helped many indirectly. You should be proud. You gave Akata quite an amount of energy because she could collect more energy with it even in that state she was in." I frown as I look at Lydy, who is now sitting at the end of the hospital bed.

"What are you talking about? Who is this Akata your talking about? Are you sure your head is okay? That explosion must've done something to you." I say with a forced smile. What is Lydy talking about?

Lydy watches me for a second, her face expressionless. Then suddenly she smiles an closed eye smile. "Sorry. I quess my past memories are playing a trick on me and tries fusing with the present."

She laughs loudly at the end and it makes even me smile. Not because of what she said, but because of her laugh. It was the most unfeminine laugh I've ever heard. It's like, Ursula, the seawitch, combined with a rifle.

My laughter doesn't sound like that, but it isn't exactly feminine either, so now I can tell where my laugh may be coming from.

"Where did you disappear to after that explosion by the way? I didn't see you anywhere after that. And what was that explosion anyway? It destroyed the floor of that room quite well and I got into trouble because of it." I ask the questions that have bothered me for the whole month, trying to distract me and her from my current self pity that tried to cover my head with its dark planket.

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