3 ● Confusion ●

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I could feel myself floating. I could see nothing, but neither could I even manage to open my eyes.
Fear grew in my gut as the darkness didn't disappear. I hate darkness... I hate to be alone... in the cold...

I'm starting to panic and I try to move, but my muscles wouldn't budge. The h*ll is this?!

The moment a whimper of fright manages to escape my lips, the cold, lonely atmosphere changes. The air turns warm and light seemed to peak through the curtains of darkness. And then there was that lullaby again.

But something was different... there were other people singing also!

I tried to open my eyes and I managed it this time, but only slightly. The light nearly blinds me before a hand suddenly covers my eyes. I panic and try to get my body moving so I can escape the touch, but a woman's voice stops me.

"Calm down..." I could feel several people around me, comforting me.

"Who are you?!" I bark. I hated to feel so restricted, but the presence of these people eased my mind... they felt... familiar... safe.

"It's not the time for you to know, my love... The time will come, just follow the path..." The gentle voice whispers, echoing around me as the singing continues. Suddenly the hand on top of my eyes warms up, startling me as it makes my whole body tingle.

"Am I dead?" My voice trembles. The thought of death had never bothered me before... At my home it had been a constant whisper in my ear. A permanent resident in my life's tea party... but this woman... these people... make me feel warm. Just like father did.

I feel the slight touch of big lips on my right cheek, right under my eye. That kiss...

"Father?" My voice trembles as I try to speak through the tightness I feel pressing against my chest. A big, calloused hand gently pats my head and I smile, a tear escaping down my cheek.

"Welcome home, Lumi." Suddenly I start falling. I scream, the presences had disappeared and darkness had returned. Tears pool from my eyes, the wind around me drying them the moment they come in touch with it.

I feel the same sadness and despair overwhelm me, just like it did all those years ago. I open my mouth, inhaling as much air to my lungs as I can possibly manage through all the pain and panic.

Then I scream.



My eyes fly open. I can't delve in the relief of being alive much when I feel something coming up and in an instinct I turn to my side and let it all come out. I ignore all the stiffness and pain in my body as all the water my body had consumed came out in a rush.

My nose stings and my lungs feel like they're tearing up, but I have to dismiss it as my body is trying to get rid of the unnecessary liquid in my body.

I need to breath! I can't breath! The water just keeps on coming out, but there is no moment I could try to save my body from asphyxia. The humming in my head got louder the longer my lack of oxygen lasted, but the moment water stopped coming out I could take my first shaky breaths. I coughed violently, irritating my already sensitive lungs, but the air I managed to get between the coughs, was like the breath of life and the fear in me lessened.

As my breathing steadies, I try to look around. My eyes are all blurry so I only see colors, but the moment I see even those, I know I'm not in the same woods I was a minute ago. It's all green here and warm. Summer.

Anxiety starts to claim me as I try to stagger up. Damn my brains feel sluggish! I can barely move my head as my whole body trembles with the strain. My body feels weird... so... small. I put my foot under myself, but the moment I put the other foot on the ground it gives. I could feel pain explode in it and my brain shuts down. Too overwhelmed by everything my body and mind are currently experiencing, it closes itself to protect them from further damage and withdrawing so it could start the healing process.

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