19 ● The Snake ●

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In the world of ninja, where fights are no rare occurrence, there are children that are forced to see and do things that no children should ever experience. The world makes them grow up too fast, makes them forget the sweet words ones said, makes them blind for friendship, numb for gentleness and deaf for the calls of those who care.

Aqva, the embodiment of freedom and playfulness, has been trying to save the childrens' eyes from growing dim from the light they were born with, trying to stop their hearts from hardening to the world. But even with his powers, he is unable to stop the coldness creeping in the world.

With help, the puzzle may be completed, if not, there will be no one left to love or anyone who is capable of love ever again.

Lumi's pov.

After the dismissal I decided to walk straight home, well... not so straight. I wanted to avoid great masses of people. Small town girl, can't help it. Luca was bored, but that is to be expected when there was nothing for him to do in the first part of the exams.

I started to dig my pouch on my right leg, fumbling trough the wires, papers and weapons until I finally found what I was searching for.
As I bit my teeth to the dark red apple that I had brought with me to the exam, I could hear someone yelling my name while running towards me.

I stopped walking and waited for him to reach me, interested to know why he was after me and not with his team mates. He stopped with a huff, the white dog beside him. "Finally I caught up! Why in such a hurry?"

I shrugged. "I just wanted to go home and prepare for the next test." He watched me with curious eyes for a moment before speaking up.

"Lumi, how did you know what the test was about?" Kiba asked.

I was baffled for a moment because of the straightforward question, but I finally managed to open my mouth. "Ahm... I just know some things. It's nothing big." I shrugged and continued walking with Luca, Kiba staying by my side with Akamaru.

"But how did you know? Did you get the information beforehand from someone? Are you cheating?"

"Wow... calm down a bit, and no, no one told me about the test. I just knew what was going to happen."

"But how?" He asked confused, not understanding how I could just know.

"I kind of... know about future happenings."

"So, you see the future?"

"Not quite, but something like that." Kiba seemed to get excited with the knowledge.

"Ooh! Can you tell me my future?" His enthusiasm is funny to look at. His eyes are wider than normal and they sparkle while he seems like he's ready to jump up and down with excitement. The smile in my face however soon disappeared when I heard his question.

"I'm not going to tell you anything about the future. It's best left unknown and left to reveal itself when it's the right time." I said sternly.

I feared that Kiba would continue pestering about it or get offended, but he only shrugged and put his arms behind his head, his smile still evident.

"No need to fret. Anyhow... are you excited about tomorrow? I sure as hell am! I'm going to pass the test with flying colors." He boasted and even puffed up his chest.

I laughed at his haughty gesture, loosing the gloomy atmosphere around me instantly, and patted his arm. "Yeah, yeah... keep telling yourself that. You know it's dangerous and it's not so easy thing to pass." I said as few kids run past us and my home came to our view.

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