31 ● Old Acquaintances ●

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Time Books: Chapter 2: Touched By Heaven

The powers of the warriors of the heaven were almighty and different.

Tenth could heal anything, ninth could speak to the unknown.

Eight and seventh were physically the strongest men the earth carried and sixth could swipe away several enemies with a mere exhale.

Fifth could kill you before you even knew what was happening.

Fourth could command the sky.

Third could make the earth shake when he walked.

Second could destroy anything with a single touch.

And the first, the goddess, had the power of creation and all seeing eyes.

The descendants of these great beings held powers of their own, everyone different from the other, but filled with just as much love as the goddess. It is said that the powers they possessed were the greatest in the whole world, but the ones with good eyes could tell, that the strongest power was their mentality.

Humans often rot under the influense of great power, but the descendants of these beings stayed good and pure from the moment they were born, to the last breath they ever took.

The greatest difference between the descendants was if they were touched by the heaven or not. Those who were touched, went undetected even to the greatest sensory ninja and held power more potent than anyone. But what those who possessed the blood of the heavens held in common, was the golden crown that shined on their head when touched by the sun.

The greatest proof of these beings power was seen in the Second Ninja World War from the goddess of the Moon. She, at the sight of her dead child, weeped so strongly that even the heavens cried. The mocking yells of the goddess' child's killer woke fury never seen upon Earth. A scream, filled with so much agony and hate that it made the toughest of hearts cry in sympathy, came from the sweet lips of the goddess. The shout destroyed everything on its way, leaving nothing but dust behind from the enemy. This shout ended the war and was later given a name.

The Cry Of The Heavens.

Third person's pov.

The crowd walked past the tall man without giving him even a glance, too occupied with their daily problems as the man strolled past different shops.

Jiraiya was feeling a bit frustrated. Just how hard was it to find a woman with such a high reputation as Tsunade? It's already been three weeks and the leads he had been given had not lead him to a treasure, but to an dead end with rotten fish.

With a sigh, Jiraiya swiped the cloth covering the entrance of a bar and entered the building. With a quick glance he checked the people already occupying some of the tables, but found nothing that he would need to worry about. He sat on one of the chairs in front of the counter. Before the bartender could ask him anything, Jiraiya was already showing him a picture of young female with light colored hair and eyes that were once referred as the Eyes of the Senju.

"Have you seen someone that looks like her?" It truly is troublesome that Tsunade can change her appearance. Jiraiya believed strongly that to be the main reason he had troubles finding the woman.

He sighed when the man, after a moment of inspection, shook his head.

"A bottle of sake, please." Jiraya ordered as he tucked the photo back to his pocket. It didn't take long when the warm bottle of sake and a cup was placed in front of him. After the payment, he poured the cup full and downed it with a practised shift of his wrist, soon he was already taking his second cup.

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